Sunday, January 29, 2017

Monday Moment

If you were at Fairview Sunday, you know we had great worship and a great word from our pastor. 

My husband has always been amazing at taking a subject, that has a lot of emotion attached to it and can be a reason people find fault and hate, and preaching from a standpoint of love and grace that brings forth unity and compassion. It was sanctity of life Sunday for us and we were blessed to have representatives from Piedmont Women's Center with us. So thankful for all that they do and excited to get our people more involved!

As Eddie said, let's be quick to show love, grace and compassion to all for we are ALL sinners. God forgives sin when we ask, many times we just need to forgive ourselves.

After some amazing worship at Rise, John brought a great message from John 2. We find Jesus at a wedding when the wine runs out. Yes, we see the miracle,  but we also find some sweet truth about Jesus here. We see that everything Jesus does is the best. It wasn't the cheap stuff. 

We also see the truth that Jesus could've created wine from nothing or created water right there and then wine. However, Jesus told them to bring the water. Jesus makes us a part of it. He asks us to bring Him what we have, what He's already made available, and He creates a masterpiece. He creates out of His essence and that's always good. If we bring our best self to the table every day, others will want to know the source. Let's not settle for average.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Friday FAVORites

I have three favorites that all kinda go together. 

First favorite is family and my favorite family night. We finally got that family night downtown Greenville. We usually do it at Christmas, but as noted in previous posts it didn't happen this year. Thankfully all the Christmas lights were still up and it was a very cold night so felt like Christmas. 

Second, coffee shops! I love them. Fun to sit, read, and study in. Fun place for meetings and friend catch-ups. And yes, all kinds of coffee and coffee related drinks. I love Bella Latte, still hoping at some point they'll put one closer to Greer!! They have the BEST chai, hot or cold, anywhere! And Due South is another favorite one. Such a cool atmosphere. Soon I'll be sharing another favorite one with you ;)! 

And last but not least. What separates a good coffee shop from a great one? The barista of course. And my two faves are my own two boys. Perhaps because they see it as more than a job, but I also love knowing that they love what they do. Life on mission, even in a coffee shop. 

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Monday Moment

It was a day of celebrating 2016 as well as looking forward for Fairview as Eddie shared the State of the Church Sunday! From surpassing a challenging, faith-based budget goal, giving to special offerings, missions giving and going, record number of baptisms and much more, it was a year that we saw God do much in and through the life of His church. 

It's always good to look back and celebrate, but it's even more exciting to look forward to what He has planned for us in this new year. As we prepare for what's ahead as a church, we are looking forward to new life groups, new and continual mission partnerships in the upstate and around the world, planting churches and helping plants, taking advantage of available technology and believing God for even better days ahead. May we walk forward together trusting that His plans for us are always for our good and His glory.  

Many thanks to Vince Dacus, our media guy, for making sure we all stay in the loop through communication means in every way. Text messaging is an easy and great way to stay in the loop and be encouraged. 

I admit it. There was great temptation to stay home Sunday night. It was raining. They were calling for torrential rain and storms. The playoff games were on. I was tired. It would've been easy to get in pjs and curl up under a blanket in my favorite chair. But easy isn't always best. And it's rarely what Jesus calls us to. So I didn't stay home. I went to our evening service we call Rise and I am SO glad I did.  Besides this Rise crowd is never scared away by rain or weariness. And I would've missed blessing after blessing. I got to hug necks I haven't seen in a while. I got to hear stories that made me happy. I got an escort from my car from one of our sweetest and most faithful volunteers who kept me from getting soaked. I got to experience some of the best worship music by some of the most talented young things on the planet that allowed me to know His presence was there and it was real. I got a great word from Nathan Brannon who didn't hold back on giving us a fresh word. He spoke of a perspective that needed to take a shift from ourselves to God. It was a reminder that when our mind is set and we get wrapped up in what we want and doing it our way with our own systems, we end up in a drought. As Deuteronomy 11:12 tells us, He is faithful from the beginning to the end. Our part is loving and serving the Lord and trusting Him to bring the rain. The dry seasons we pass through make us appreciate the rain that much more. The laborers are few people. Let's get to work loving and serving.  


Thursday, January 19, 2017

Friday FAVORites

Anyone remember these pencils? Maybe they've been around, but I haven't seen them in a while. I love them! So much better than regular lead pencils that break on me and I've never had an eraser on one that held up. Maybe it's just me but these are worth a trip to the store to buy. 

And another favorite thing...when the kids move back home, even if it's just a few days, or weeks. Stephen and Kaylin are moving in while they wait for their new apartment to be ready where they will again serve through Apartment Life. Just little treasures along the journey God gives, maybe not for them but certainly for their mom!

Monday, January 16, 2017

Monday Moment

And just like that we are back in Philippians and the timing is perfect. It seemed to be a good Sunday for a message on peace and joy in the midst of circumstances as we heard from many of you. 

Has there ever been a time we needed the peace of God more?! Probably so. We always need that right? 

As Eddie pointed out there's a big difference between peace with God, which we can only have if we've received Jesus as Savior, and peace of God. 

I love that Eddie defined peace as contentment in spite of less than desirable circumstances not the absence of them. Philippians 4:4-9 gives us the perfect plan for pursuing peace. The scripture outlines itself. 

I loved Eddies closing point that we have to put it into practice. We preach a lot. We talk a lot. We just don't practice it a lot. Let's do what we know we should do. 

After a few weeks planned break, then the unplanned break of snow, Rise was back. So much energy and expectancy when we gather. And it was so good to get back to it. Worship was phenomenal, always is when the Spirit isn't quenched and allowed to move freely. Justin Broome brought a great word from Gen 20. After giving a summary of the ups and downs of Abraham's life and his journey of faith, he challenged us to trust God and do things His way. 

Some great statements Justin made...

We justify what we do wrong by making sure there's some truth to it. 

God said He would, but He hasn't, so we will. 

God is gracious, but sin will cost us a lot of years. 

God's declaration of who we are says more about Him than it does about us.  

When we give away what we have, we get what we need. 

Another great Sunday spent with the church family. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Friday FAVORites

Those who know me know I'm a summer girl through and through. It's rarely too hot for me. My favorite uniform is shorts, t-shirt and sandals/flip flops. BUT, in total contradiction, I LOVE snow!! I love it cold from thanksgiving until New Years just because it makes it seem more like the holiday season. However, since January and February are cold anyway, it might as well snow. Because really what's the use of cold without snow?! I really don't mind being "stuck" at home. I guess being a stay-at-home mom got me used to that. And "stuck" isn't a bad word to me. I admit last January it annoyed me a bit, ok a whole lot, as it caused stress to our family wedding, but we got there and have the most beautiful pictures to show for it. 

I love that snow days have a way of slowing us all down and who doesn't need that after a busy holiday season. I love having as many as can come, pile in the house with us. I love getting out in it to walk or do some sledding. I love watching ball games, playing games, watching movies. I love all the food and coffee and hot chocolate and cider. 

I love staying up late, so late in fact that we all get the tired sillies, and getting up early. I love having some extras doing their bible study time at my table at the same time. I love watching the sibs have fun together. And I love doing surprise visits to the fam members who stay home with the little ones to keep from moving an entire house of stuff. On our recent snow day we did all of that and had so much fun doing it. And almost as good is the anticipation itself of what's to come and watching it fall. 

So, yes, SNOW is one of my favorite things!

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Friday FAVORites
This video explains one of my most favorite things, scripture reading and studying! 
Also another favorite thing that enables my scripture reading is a certain pack of pens...
I use a color coding system as I read and study. 
Pink is for promises
Blue is for thoughts of others 
Red for my thoughts 
Black for basics and repetitive things
Green for indepth
You can get these at target! 

SNOW is an all time favorite and I'm praying tons of it on us in the upstate and friends elsewhere who want some too!!

Monday, January 2, 2017

Monday Moment

No better way to begin the new year of 2017 than with the church family. We had a great day of worship as the Alive band led and our pastor gave a great message from Joshua 1:1-9. 

Thank you to this group for your faithfulness and energy as you lead. You are forever loved and greatly respected. 

As many new year resolutions/goals that we all set, let this be a time we set some spiritual goals for ourselves. Eddie challenged us to spend time in studying scripture and praying. The question and challenge is, do we have what it takes, in terms of commitment and courage. Are our goals, individually and as a church, things we can accomplish on our own or are they big enough that God must show up to bring to pass? He reminded us that whatever God appoints, He anoints. That should give us the courage to pursue and step into our calling. 

We must also remember that we can have the knowledge and the resources, but there will come a time we must stand strong. There will be battles. It's not always easy. But we have God fighting for us and through us. 

I love the illustration Eddie closed with that brought home the fact that we can be in darkness, but we are never alone. Check it out online this week and get your year started off right. 

Happy New Year!