Sunday was an extra special day at Fairview as it was Missions emphasis. We filled the front of the church with 924 shoeboxes that will make their way to children around the world with the message of the gospel. We also heard from some of our own missionaries David and April McWhite share about their ministry int he Czech Republic and we saw some sweet faces of those who will receive shoeboxes as Justin Broome shared his experiences with the children in the Romanian villages who receive them.
We were also blessed by my husbands message from Philippians 3:10-11.
Eddie challenged us by asking if we knew what our purpose is. What is our chief desire? What keeps us awake and what do we wake up thinking about? Some of us don't know and others of us know but are easily sidetracked. We get swept into the tyranny of the urgent, trivial things. For Paul it was to know Jesus. Not just know who He was, but to know Him.
That should be our chief aim; to know Jesus and make Him known. Maybe He hasn't called us to go across the sea but every single one of us is called to go across the street.
Eddie asked us another question. He asked what is going on at Fairview that we can say only the power of God could make happen? He named some things, more than a few things. My question is could there be more things to add to that list? Could there be more salvations? Could their be more healed relationships and more freedom from addictions? I believe there could and should be a lot more.
It's starts, again my thought, by getting out of the church building and into our neighborhoods, sharing the gospel in the workplace and as we go!!
Sunday night we had the tremendous opportunity to participate in a special young man's ordination to the ministry. We first knew Hamilton Mathis as a middle schooler playing football. His family wasn't in our church but we quickly became friends with them. Our kids became fast friends and played sports. He and our daughter Jessica were probably best friends. They later joined our church and Hamilton served as an intern. He's just one of our very own.
After Eddie opened the service, his charge was given by another special young man. Eddie hired Stephen Mcneill when he wasn't much older than Hamilton and he and Morgan were a few months from getting married. He gave a great word about humility and passion and running the race. Stephen learned and grew and became probably our best staff member ever. Eddie values loyalty and staff who catch his vision and help him run with it and not against him and Stephen perfected that art over time. We are so proud of him. He's the only one Eddie has ever hired twice.
Another great word came from friend and pastor Steve Cloud. He's been around a while and coaches and trains now. He shared the reasons why some don't finish well and statistics tell us many don't. He talked about focus and the dangers of distraction. He talked about keeping our eyes on the prize and not settling for temporary pleasures. He spoke of overcoming discouragement and how to keep from always being unsettled and dissatisfied. It was a great word for those of us in ministry as well as any follower of Christ.
Sundays are definitely Fundays!
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