We managed to squeeze in family pics near the house between services and a quick leftovers lunch, wrapped up Entrusted women's bible study before Rise and then dinner before calling it a day. Enough of that and on to the main course.
We continued through Philippians at all services and saw how to have joy even as a backup in 2:19-30.
Timothy was Paul's backup and he played the role well. Eddie challenged us with being willing to serve and have Timothy's attitude of anywhere, anything, and to have the willingness to pay the cost.
To be a servant, we must have genuine concern. The reason we don't care is because too often we are wrapped up in our own self. There's not a lot of glory or recognition for working in the nursery or serving behind the scenes therefore like most churches we are lacking help. When some of us are asked to serve, the most common response is "I just don't have time". Everyone makes time for what they care about. The problem is we just don't care. We don't take time to share the gospel with the lost around us. Why? Time? Maybe we just don't genuinely care. God has given us all the ability we need to do what He has called us to do at this church, the issue is availability.
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