Eddie wasted no time with the challenge. He stated that joyless people are seldom pleased, disgruntled, critical, judgmental, not easily impressed...and many are in the church. Some mean well and some are just, well, mean.
Some lack joy because of their circumstances or some event that has happened and robbes them of their joy, yet others have every reason to be full of joy, but are not.
Joy is found in Jesus and there are commodities that we can have to make our joy evident: thanksgiving, prayer, partnership, confidence, and affection.
Joy is not found in a trouble free life or in stuff. Without Jesus you'll still be unhappy even with your stuff. But, with Jesus, even without stuff, you can still have joy.
Rise happened at 6:00 at the Alive center and it was a great way to end an already great day. So thankful for another one of our worship teams who led us and Justin Broome taught from the scripture, about the point of the scripture. It went alongside what we heard that morning from our pastor on joy and made me more eager to get in the Word. Nathan expressed beautifully in the outro how it's not about what goes on around us. It's keeping our focus in Jesus.
I pray your Monday is marvelous and you see opportunities to rejoice and share the joy of Jesus with those around you.
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