Sunday, September 4, 2016

Monday Moment

For week 3 of our study in Philippians, we focused on prayer. Wherever we fall on a scale in terms of how our prayer life is, I'm sure we would all say it could be better. We could all pray more or more often, be more purposeful and intentional and it could probably be more about others than self.

Therefore, the message from Philippians 1:9-11 was impactful. 

We looked at the way in which the apostle Paul prayed and his focus in prayer as well as the goal of his prayer. 
It was definitely a prayer for the church at Philippi, but we can learn from it and apply it to our church as well. 

We know from Paul's life that they could lock him up but they couldn't shut him up or shut up his prayers. 

We know it's important for us to be blameless, not perfect, but that there's nothing in our life that causes others to stumble whether in coming to Christ or in taking their next step. 

Eddie shared a great illustration with his old weight lifting glove to show how the Holy Spirit in us is what makes us useful and purposeful and gives us worth. And yes, like our fingers in the glove, the Holy Spirit should stick out in our life. 

It was a great night at our Rise service. Great crowd for Labor Day weekend and our college students away. There's no way worship is better anywhere else, if so, I wouldn't be able to stand it. Every week I'm covered in glory bumps as the Spirit is overwhelming! Our pastor preached a powerful word on how to stand in the midst of persecution even if no one stands with you. But we know Jesus is always with us to offer peace and power. 

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