Paul was looking through the window of prison, chained to a soldier, yet he saw a prospect, an opportunity to advance the gospel.
We can use adversity as an opportunity for encouragement even in our hurt and when we are under pressure. God uses those times and we must learn how to stand under the pressure. How we respond is a witness to others.
We also had a great night at Rise! Keiffer shared musically as well as a word of testimony of how God has shown Himself faithful through the struggle of the last month. John Leopard brought a great word from Matthew 8 on how Jesus came down the mountain to the crowd and the clean made the unclean clean. When the people stepped back from the leper, Jesus leaned in. Like the leper, our only hope is Jesus and the only requirement is that we surrender. Beautiful words from Jesus..."I am willing".
How thankful I am for some of our senior adults who come every single Rise service and love on and encourage our young leaders! You have no idea what a blessing that is as you build them up in the faith. May your tribe increase!
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