Monday, August 22, 2016

Monday Moment (formerly MMP)

So the Monday Morning Perspective is staying the same with a name change. I like to change things up occasionally and it's been plenty long enough with this name. No great theological, intellectual reason. I just like change! And I thought it's a good time since we are starting a new study and a new service so that's all there really is to it! 

 This has been a tough weekend for our church. We lost (actually he's not lost, we know exactly where he is, but it's a loss to us here) another great and godly man John Cowan. He was a leader in every definition of the word. He served like very few others, quietly, in many areas, humbly, never seeming to desire applause or recognition. Therefore yesterday was hard, but good. It gave his church family the opportunity to come together to comfort his family and one another while worshipping the God we know to be in control even in our time of looking up through tears and saying "why him God?" Some things make no sense but we celebrate for John who is with Jesus, whom he loved and served well and showed us all through his example of what following Jesus really looks like. 

It was a perfect day, a God ordered day, for us to begin our journey through the book of Philippians. Eddie gave us a background to establish our foundation for this study as well as reminding us that in this world of much pain and hurt, natural disasters and brokenness, where people, even self proclaimed Christians, lie about others, gossip about others and intentionally hurt one another, we can live a life of peace and joy! 
The call as always is to find peace with God by being saved by the grace of God. Then we can have the peace of God despite our less than desirable circumstances. 

We also started our Sunday night service back that we now call Rise. It's my husband's vision of a service that will raise up leaders as well as believers who will then GO into our city and other cities with a passion to see people come to know Jesus. Thank you to those who have prayed earnestly, worked tirelessly, and served beyond their feelings of equipping and allowed God to do the equipping and use them to do an incredible work. They have been selfless and followed their pastor's leadership of helping with what God started impressing on his heart last summer. Thank you to all of you!! Eddie was on fire last night as he preached on the Church emphasizing that it is built on Jesus and our church will not be built on any person other than Jesus! There was such a sweet yet powerful Spirit among us and God showed up and showed off. Keiffer Mendoza always does a fabulous job leading worship, his sincere heart is evident as he leads and he is surrounded by gifted artists who lead beautifully together. Thank you to all of the many volunteers who make Rise a reality! 
I was thrilled that all and every generation was represented last night. Come join us! It's a great way to end your Sunday and be ready for Monday morning. 

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