Monday, June 13, 2016

Monday Morning Perspective

It seems wierd to say, but this will be my last Monday morning perspective post until August. It seems even weirder to write. However, I'm so excited that next Monday begins our 30 Days of Favor! If you're unsure what that is, check out the video posted earlier. I've watched most of them already as I was getting them ready to load and they are so good. Thank you to each one who has taken time to do this. As one pointed out, doing a video is harder than you think haha. It really is!!  Please encourage them and let them know you appreciate what they shared and how it benefitted you.  It's going to be a fun summer doing these together. So jump on and don't miss a day!
And the good news is you can always check out the sermons from Sunday online if you miss one or just want to give it another listen.

We worked our way through Ecclesiastes chapter 6 yesterday. We compared Solomon and Lot. Eddie pointed out that 
Lot was a righteous man. He was grieved by the ways in Sodom but he wanted all that went with it. Solomon too got away from God as he sought to enjoy the wealth God had given him and the ways of the culture around him. 
We must focus on the Giver instead of the gift if we are going to stay connected to God. 
We also looked at Job and his attempt to question God. We take our questions to God but we can't contend with God. We so often act like we have a better way or know what's best. Solomon found out he could control a lot of things, but he couldn't control the future. 
Wherever we are in life, it helps to remember that we are only passing through. 

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