Sunday, June 5, 2016

Monday Morning Perspective

We see Solomon making his way back as our study took us to Ecclesiastes 5.  

We looked at the observations made by Solomon dealing with church, government, and money.

We are to be the church in every area of our lives instead of compartmentalizing it.  Recent studies have shown that a regular attender of church is now one that attends one or two times a month.  I don't think I'll run that one by my dad who's always believed a regular attender attends EVERY Sunday "less somebody's REALLY sick".  Hahahaha! 
I love the statement Eddie made that we are called to be the church scattered and most of what we do and most of our time should be spent "out there" not "in here"! How often are we the exact opposite of that?!

We looked at Solomon's views on government and we shouldn't be surprised at the oppression and corruption.  I agree with Eddie when he said that oppression and corruption doesn't surprise him, what surprises him is that so many people don't care.  Vote and remember that it's always the lesser of two evils if Jesus isn't on the ballot.  

Lastly, we talked money.  We have to have it but we also have to have the proper view of it.  It won't bring security and you can't buy sleep.  

Have a great week! If you're working VBS, serve gladly.  If you're not working, be like me and pray daily for those who are but also for the children attending that they would have an encounter with Jesus and then we would reach those families outside of our church whom God has opened a door to!

And don't forget...30 DAYS OF FAVOR starts JUNE 20th, just two weeks. Pray for those sharing and all of us who will hear! 

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