Do yourself a favor and watch this online if you missed it. And make sure you get in the worship center each week early so you don't miss the very beginning of the service.
Monday, November 30, 2015
Monday Morning Perspective
We kicked off Advent at Fairview yesterday and it was the most special time. Not only was the house festive with much Christmas decor but our people turned out in a festive mood (and despite what people say is always the lowest attended Sunday,we had a good crowd) and even more important the Spirit was very present. I LOVED starting the service with scripture and candle lighting by one of our church families and the music set the stage perfectly for my husband's message which focused on the prophecy of our coming Savior and the beautiful story of Zechariah and Elizabeth and how God used them. It was a beautiful message on the sovereignty of God and how He works, and still works, to bring about His plan. Nothing "just so happened" with God.
Friday, November 27, 2015
The Day After...
I don't know about you but it feels like Thanksgiving left as fast as it arrived. And now the Christmas season is truly upon us and I'm praying it goes SLOW! I'm not sure why but it seems to creep up on me faster and faster as I get older and older. It's my favorite time of year but I never quite feel ready when it gets here and then it's over as well.
I hope everyone's Thanksgiving played out as you had hoped but if you met challenges along the way and faced a few curveballs, I pray you found joy in it even if you had to search for it or maybe still searching.
There's never been much tradition to our Black Friday. It's been different throughout the years. When the kids were little, my mom and I would hit the stores early (that meant 6am years ago not thanksgiving as it is now 😑). You would have to search and fight for those most wanted kid items. Now we have a thing called internet so it's a bit easier. Then there were years we shopped later in the day after filling up at my dad's restaurant. We would part ways to shop while dad took kids to a movie and then we all met up for dinner. Now, with a few kids working Black Friday, 😕 there's more lounging, for a few of us, and I spend more time shopping online than fighting the mob.
Today starts with a slow morning. (Another change is I cook Thanksgiving dinner and host instead of chilling like I used to while my mom slaved away. Now I really don't know how she did the early shopping run with me!) At some point we will find our way to the coffee bar where our son works and let him make us something yummy and high in caffeine. I'm sure we will meander to the mall just to walk around and be in the way of serious shoppers. And then having a family dinner of which I'm not cooking.
I'm super excited and my expectations are high as we begin Advent at church Sunday. If you're a little like me and struggling at times to find the excitement of the season, focusing on the true meaning will help us all. There's too much going on in the world at large and in so many homes all around us that the only hope we really have is Jesus. If you focus, like I do on too many days, on the happenings around us, the fear and hurt and evil just gets to be too much. But if we allow it to drive us to pray and find our hope and joy in Him, we can have a glorious joyful Christmas season. And that's what I want, I think we all do. So whether our season is strictly traditional with everything like it always is or there are some changes this year with people missing around the table or maybe a few extras added, let's find the joy in celebrating Jesus. Tis the season!!!
A few pics I'd love to share...
Sunday, November 22, 2015
A Different Monday Morning Perspective
My perspective is a bit different this Monday morning. My husband took Sunday off, which he RARELY does! In his words, "they need a break from me". It's definitely been intense lately. We had months of going back and forth to our other campus which we loved but wasn't easy. We did the 40 days of prayer and fasting with a tremendous end result. He hasn't missed a Sunday since August, which actually is his norm. He's not a fan of missing Sundays, anyone who's ever worked for him would tell you that. But it was good timing in taking a day off.
We decided to go visit The Church at Greer Station. It's a church plant in our area and we have such respect for the pastors there. We've loved getting to know them and they've impacted our boys lives for the good. It was a great service and the message was on point! We share a passion and heart to reach the lost and see people discipled. We see so much of God at work in our area that stirs us on and encourages us that we serve a God who is very active and very involved in our world.
It's always nice, especially for Eddie, to go somewhere and just worship. That's a rare thing for us. And much needed. I was telling a young couple just the other night that you are never off from ministry. Even on vacation we are thinking, talking, planning, breathing ministry. It's just who you are if you're in ministry (or maybe that's just us). Don't get me wrong or read stuff into this that I'm not saying. Our identity is in Christ. We know that. We know better than anyone that you don't cling tightly to a ministry, but you hold all things loosely and we know that our relationship with Jesus is first and family (though a few have disagreed with us) comes before ministry work. We know all of that and we live that! But God also gives you a heart to love and serve and that makes it a part of who you are. However, as we told that young couple, you have to turn down the volume at times. Thankfully we have family and friends who help us do that. And taking a day off to just go and worship with another church and get a new perspective is one way we do that.
It also serves to give us eyes to see things differently. We get too caught up in the way we do things being the only way or the best way and we really don't know what else is even out there. Now I am NOT a fan of church hopping. Actually I'm not just not a fan, but I'm aggravated deeply by it. The church buffet is what I call for this, there for that. It breeds a mentality of what is the church doing for me and not how can I serve where God has called me. But going somewhere else on occasion allows us to see what visitors see. It allows us to see why some things feel awkward to them. It allows us to see things in a fresh way and through their eyes.
I loved sitting next to my husband during an entire service and worship and experience the Lord's Supper together, but I like him on stage preaching even more. And next week he's back at it!! Next Sunday is the beginning of Advent! We are so excited as Eddie will be preaching an Advent series. We are praying that this week of Thanksgiving will be a week that all will feel overwhelmed by the goodness of God and how blessed we truly are! Happy Thanksgiving! Let the greatest season ever get started!
Monday, November 16, 2015
Just pondering...
It's 6am Tuesday morning and I'm still pondering and reflecting last Tuesday. I spent last week at the SC Baptist Convention with my husband. That's one thing I get to go do with him now that our children are older. He used to go with staff and friends and it's one of the things that was a "wait" for me when our children were young. Btw...young moms they'll grow up very fast. Those things that are on the "wait" or "later" list will find their way to you all too quickly.
Anyway, it was local this year so that made it more convenient as well. And I'm not sure why I was so exhausted from it other than it was out of the normal routine for me. I probably shouldn't say this but I will...the best part other than hanging with Eddie is usually getting to see ministry friends and catch up. It's not the "business" stuff for me. Sorry. So many we don't see through the year other than that time so it's always good. It's also always good meeting new people and I love seeing young new faces who come. This year was great getting to hang with some who've been friends in ministry for over 20 years and also some that we've only gotten to know over this past year who are young and passionate and making an impact for the kingdom. Also having our son Stephen hang with us was an extra treat. At least for us. It's been a while since we drug him around at a convention introducing him to everyone. Actually last time he was probably a very small boy asking over and over when it was going to end. He seemed to have a lot more fun this time around.
One thing that made it strange or maybe interesting is a better word, is the convention was held in my home church of First Baptist Spartanburg. I first went there with my family when I was seven years old. That was my home church until I got married at age 19, also in that church. I've only been in that sanctuary maybe twice since then. It hasn't really changed at all. We went to the worship service there on Tuesday evening. My mom and dad came with us. We sat on the same side, perhaps even the same pew, or very close to it, that we sat on every Sunday. Actually it's where I sat with my dad. My mom always sat on the left side (my left ☺️) near the top of that massive choir loft. My brother was usually in the balcony with friends. That fact was never good on those Sundays when Dr. Walker called down the teenagers in the balcony during his sermon. That always led to an interesting Sunday lunch which included a long discussion/lecture on behavior in worship. I think my brother and I still agree that those lectures still affect our behavior today =).
I can only remember one specific message Dr Walker preached in those days...The walk to the Cross. He started on one side of the stage at the manger and as he preached he made his way to the other side where a large cross was placed. That was always the Good Friday message. And it made an impact obviously. Yes, we were in church on Good Friday. And most other times a service was held. My Dad was a strong believer in being in church, not out of duty although he felt it was right, but also because he wanted to be there and he wanted us to be there. Even though I can't remember specific sermons, I remember hearing the Word EVERY time he preached. It's where the gospel came alive to me. I sat in his office with my parents and received Christ there. I was baptized there. I spent my teenage years there being discipled and learning what it meant to be a disciple of Christ. I felt His call on my life in that church even though I didn't know what it would look like. And He is still working there and in churches like that even today. Contrary to what many may believe about the baptist church or traditional church, that's where my walk began and I wouldn't trade that heritage for anything! We even sang hymns in those days and still I was able to worship, pardon the sarcasm. I just find it irritating when people say they "can't" worship that way or the traditional church is no longer effective when I know that is not true. God's not bound by our worship style and long before contemporary was the thing, God was about His business and His people were growing and being discipled. However, I'm quick to say that even though I prefer (and preference can be an evil thing at times and destructive) the newer worship songs, bands, and newer way of doing things, I also know that when we deny that God can use old, new or what hasn't been thought of yet, that's putting God in a box and that's a dangerous thing to do. I'll sure say that it's harder to minister now than when we started. We've seen a lot!! People don't go to church just because it's right any more. More things vie for time. Culture has changed. It's a different world. I'll be the the first to say I like church change. I think we need to be on the cutting edge of doing things new and different and take away all excuses people have for not going to church. Doing things the same is often more because we are lazy or fearful than we really believe it works. Look closely, some things aren't working. And we can hold fast to them as leaders and be lazy or be pious and say "if it was good enough back then, it's good enough now". And as we do that, our ministries and churches die at our feet. We struggle getting people to serve and blame them. Maybe it's boring to them or not challenging enough. Maybe they're looking to make a difference and they don't see what you want them to do as purposeful. I don't know. I do know the main thing is preaching the Word and discipling people. You can't make people choose either but you can set it up for them to want it. I'll be honest. I hated Sunday school once I hit my teens. Yes I was forced to go and I forced my kids to go. I've only had one class since I was a teenager I loved and that's because the teacher was prepared and challenging and loved those of us in there and poured into us outside of the class. So most of the time I taught whether out of a need for a teacher or just because I wanted to and felt called to do it. And saying that let me say this, small groups, no matter what you call them, Sunday school, lifegroup, d group, whatever, should be something everyone's involved in. Too many want to pour out but they don't take in. You can't give out of emptiness. However, those too should be done in a way that people want to be there.
One thing I do know that's true now as it was waaaayyy back then is that there's no compromising when it comes to preaching God's Word. I want the worship music to be magnificent and inspiring every week like many others do as well. I want our children's ministry to be 2nd to none and every student in the upstate to come to our church. I think everything we do should be done with excellence because it's done for our audience of one and He deserves our very best not our lazy leftovers. And I believe everything should be evaluated. Everything! Even those things we hold tightly to and love that don't work like they "used to". I want visitors to feel overwhelmed with love and acceptance no matter who they are and where they come from. All of that is important. But it's all for one single lay the groundwork for people to come to Jesus. For there to be no obstacles or hindrances to people hearing the gospel. Because that is why we have church.
I pray that when people return to our church years down the road, like I just did and they begin to ponder as I am now, that they'll remember some of the things I remember: hearing the gospel, receiving Christ, feeling His call and knowing His purpose for them, being discipled.
I have no doubt they will. My husband, our pastor, never enters the pulpit unprepared or prayed up. He believes the whole Word. And he preaches the whole Word. And to think I used to fear what my sundays would be like when I no longer sat under Dr Walkers teaching. I'm so blessed to have spent very few Sunday's without hearing challenging sermons that pushed me further in my walk. As I read Psalm 77 and 78, it reminds me how important it is to ponder all of God's work and His mighty deeds. He is the one who works wonders. Sometime we think we are the ones doing wondrous things. Huge lie. We are capable of nothing without Him. And how crucial it is to share with our children and the next generation all of His glorious deeds. And to warn them not to be a stubborn and rebellious generation and to not forget His works.
I'm so thankful for all I learned sitting on those pews at FBC Spartanburg under a great man of God. I'm thankful to still be sitting under a great man of God. The churches are different. The music is different. The style is different. But the message is the same. God has not changed. And He's still at work in HIS church. I'll believe to my grave that the only hope is Jesus and it happens through His local church.
I guess that was a lot of pondering and ranting and probably sounds disjointed. That's usually how it goes when I just reflect. The bottom line is God is good. He is busy about His church. He's watching all that's going on in His church, through the hallways where we don't think He lurks listening to our conversations and behind the closed doors when we think we can shut Him out. He's interested in all of it, not just Sunday morning. He knows our motives and He's aware of our agendas.
Like I said it's never been a more difficult time in our culture to minister, but it's also the best time. Even amidst all the happenings of our world, the things that happen and we're forced to admit, "that one, I just don't get it Lord!" Even amidst all the hurt and pain and suffering, I can't imagine doing anything else or serving anywhere else or believing anything else other than God is still on His throne and He still cares deeply about His people and He's going to make all things right and it's going to be alright.
Monday Morning Perspective

John the beloved, "little children, love one another".
That's John's message to us. It's impossible to have God's Spirit in us and be a hateful person. Eddie, "we need to repent".
How do I love God? We love Him with our heart, soul, and mind.
Our heart is the seat of our emotions. We need emotion in our love for God. But emotions change so it can't be based solely on emotion.
Our soul is our will. It's the backbone of our faith. We make that decision to love Him and follow Him.
Our mind is our intellect. We study to show ourself approved. We grow by knowing His Word.
Our whole being is given over to God.
There's no way we can love God with that agape love, loving Him not because of the things He gives us or does for us, but love Him NO MATTER WHAT, unless we give ourselves over to Him. And we can't love others that way without His Spirit working in us and through us.
The questions we are left with are, do we really love God as we should and are we willing to lay down our lives for one another?
Celebrate and rejoice with us over the ones baptized yesterday, the families who joined in both services, and the huge crowd in both services who came to worship, grow, and fellowship with one another.
Monday, November 9, 2015
Monday Morning Perspective

We also need the reminder that the way others know we belong to God is by our love for one another. God calls us to live a life of love. Not a selfish love but a sacrificial love that can only be done when we belong to Him and yield to His power that enables us to love the way He loves.
Thank you Eddie for allowing us time yesterday to celebrate all that has been going on in the life of our church. So many times we don't know certain things if we aren't involved and it's great for those visiting with us to hear so they'll know if they want to be a part of a church like ours. Ministry and mission opportunities are available for all. Discipleship is growing, amazing to have 100 students in D groups!! 400 in our basketball program which is an amazing outreach to our city. HOPE week is coming soon!! God is always moving! Be one of those who is ready to move with Him and in His direction.
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Monday Morning Perspective

I was in no way prepared for the emotion I felt as I sat on that front row and watched all of our church family walk down and place their gift in the chest of Joash. I tried to hold the tears but they would not be held back. I saw kids walk with their parents to give and one dumped his bucket of change! Oh my heart! I saw teenagers giving and sweet young couples that I know it was a sacrifice and step of faith for them. I saw seniors doing their part, they've walked with God long enough to know He's gonna come through. Seeing families make that walk together spoke volumes about what they're teaching their children about giving and following God. Watching my own kids take part made my heart smile. Hearing from people who said they had prayed separately as spouses and God gave them the same amount to give gave me chills. And others who didn't know if they could give and then they received unexpected checks in the mail that made it possible...God always comes through!!
Needless to say I was a mess at the end of that service. Our whole family said no matter what the amount turns out to be, nothing will take away the miracle of what we saw happen today. Nothing beats an entire body coming together, everyone doing their part, and anticipating what God will do. Like Eddie said, we do our part. God always does His part. We do what we can and He performs the miracle.
If you can hang with me a bit longer, I'd love to share a few points from the message. It was just too good not to.
We looked at the passage in Mark 6:24-44. Most of us feel like, what will our little bit do? The young boy had a very small lunch. In human terms, it was nothing compared to the need but he gave what he had. You know others in that crowd had brought a lunch too. But no one else offered theirs. A miracle can happen if the project is bigger than the people. Most operate by what they have in their hand. Churches don't see miracles many times because they don't need one. A miracle can happen and most of the time God makes us do our part first. Check out Noah. Moses had to step in water before it parted. Joshua and the people at Jericho had to do their part before the walls fell. The question always remains, will we do our part?
Thank you church family for your constant encouragement and love. We have received numerous messages expressing your love and your belief as well that God is up to something. Thank you for believing with us. Thank you for doing your part and following my husband's leadership as He follows God. You are the best, the cream of the crop. You delight me even more than that flavor creamer I'm going to add to my coffee and that ice cream from Dillard's I enjoyed breaking the fast with. When I scroll Facebook and Twitter and see your posts about church or scripture you post, you make me smile and make me thankful you allow us to serve you. You are an enormous sense of encouragement day in and day out. I'm so proud of you for taking this 40 day journey with us. I hope you celebrate and rejoice in all God has taught you through this. Continue those holy habits as you enjoy those sweets, breads, meals, Cokes and much more that you set aside for this time. I knew you could do it. Now bask in the knowledge that God knew you could do it too. He just wanted you to know you could do it. And I know He's smiling over us! And that's the best of all!!
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