So today we got a great introduction to the series. You know it's got to be good if it's all about Jesus written by Jesus best friend. We know that John left a lucrative business to follow Jesus and he was part of that inner circle with Peter and James. He spent time with Jesus, responding to his love and leadership in a deeper way than most. He's about 90 now as he begins putting pen to paper, sharing from his very unique perspective, challenging us to live in light and walk in love. I can't help but wonder, even at this age, if he still had that same fire in his personality that he was once known for.
He wrote 5 books. The gospel of John convinces sinners towards salvation. The epistles can be to confirm the saints as in sanctification. And Revelation comforts the suffering for glorification.
1John was written to address our attitude on joy, to speak to our actions, to address the accuracy of our beliefs and so that we can have assurance of our salvation.
Eddie challenged us to find our joy in Jesus. To have joy in our salvation, find joy in His Word, have joy in mInistry and service, and to find joy in witnessing to others. Don't look for joy in the artificial sweeteners of this world that don't last. He also challenged us to make sure we aren't trusting our salvation to what we do and don't do but only in Jesus. There are counterfeit Christians, we need to make sure that's not us.
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