I love how it started with the question, how do churches grow? We all know that preaching, worship, children's ministries can keep people or send them running but getting people there for the first time comes down to inviting people. God blesses where He chooses but our part is to invite and bring people. And that's a huge fear to so many!
We looked at Timothy and the fears he had even as a young pastor. We saw the destructive power of fear and the delivering power of faith. As Eddie explained we fear what we feel we do not have the resources to deal with or the power to overcome. However, as believers, we have the Holy Spirit within us and Satan and his demons are no match for Him.
There were so many good points from this message that I could write all day. Check it out online if you missed it or just want to hear it again.
A special treat is always hearing what God does through messages that impact people all week. I got to hear some worries that were let go of after last week. Everything from the worry of how to dress for church to health issues. Yesterday I got to meet a young mom who came with one of our members for the first time after being asked for four years!!! Never give up on people. Keep inviting!! On a day you least expect it and they need it the most, they'll say yes! Can't wait to hear some stories of how God is breaking the chains of fear from people. Have a God filled Monday and invite someone to come with you next week!
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