Monday, April 13, 2015

Monday Morning Perspective

Yesterday was another great day at both Fairview campuses. I love seeing people excited as they come to church. Our faithful members continue to come and serve and bring people. We continue having lots of visitors. Eddie and I love meeting them and connecting with them after the service. 
We were in week 2 of our Running on Empty series. The empty tomb means...I have no worries. Some great points from the message...
...worry means to choke, strangle, pull apart. How many times do we feel like we are being choked by worries?! 
...worry is not a virtue. 
...we crucify ourselves between 2 thieves, the worries of yesterday and the worries of tomorrow. 
...we trust Him with our salvation but not our problems. 
...worry at best is useless and at worst destructive. 
...when other things come first, everything else is out of order. Put Jesus first! Him. He's got you and He's got your problem. 
...the only worry we should have is if we don't know Him. 

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