This Easter was the busiest but greatest of any I can remember. What an amazing day as we launched Fairview East! Months of praying, meeting, planning, working, preparing paid off as 75 adults showed up, children were in children's church being led and 4 people received Christ! God showed up and showed off. Celebrating the risen Jesus with birthing a new church was a glorious event. I can't begin to thank the ones involved. Many prayed and supported this effort from day 1. Turning young adults loose to take charge and make it happen was exciting to watch. They work tirelessly! People from our main campus came to help with our children. And shout out to my husband who races across town after an 8:30 service to preach at the 10:00 and then back for the 11:00, you are a beast! I'm amazed at your passion and energy and the love it takes to agree to take it to this level every Sunday! Thank you for not coasting at this point of ministry!
I left a tad early and got back in time to hear our opening at the main campus. Ashley Blevins killed Forever! I thought Kari Jobe was in the house. Then CrossTalk took it to another level of worship. I had goosebumps all over! The house was packed. I love hearing greeters say they're having trouble finding seats for people. Both campuses followed Eddie's leadership to invite invite invite!! You guys are the absolute best!! You are the key to getting people to come week after week! We love you Keep working it and handing out invite cards, it works!
We started a new series called Running on Empty. We will be spending the next weeks looking at what the empty tomb means: no fear, no worries, no loneliness. Yesterday's was I am loved and I can live forever because of the empty tomb. A beautiful gospel message was given and people responded. My takeaway from the message was, what if Paul and Silas, the jailer and Lydia , among others, had kept the good news of salvation to themselves? We would be forever lost. And if we keep it to ourselves church, others will be forever lost. Let's not be guilty of that. Let's share it with everyone so others may know the reality of the empty tomb.
Loved having my whole family for the day and enjoying Easter dinner together. We watched A.D. It was amazing. If you missed it tune in next Sunday! It's worth the watch and great to watch with your family and friends!
I went early to East to help with setup this week, so here are a few pics. It takes people sold out and ready to work hard to make it all happen and so here's a glimpse. Pray for this group as they will be doing this every Sunday morning.
1 comment:
What a wonderful Easter service! So thankful for our Pastor full of love of God's word and for God's people. What a Blessing for his wonderful Christian wife that shares his same passion. We are Blesed at Fairview a Baptist for such wonderful leadership and wonderful people that Love God and Love People. Thankful for being fed God's word and encouraged to be more Christ like as that is God's purpose for our lives. Thank you God for all your blessings and may many others hear and understand the meaning of John 3:16. God loved the world.. Everyone is invited to believe IN God and have eternal life. Knowing about Him and believing in Him are two very different meanings. Praying for our nation that they turn their eyes upon Jesus and love one anotherđź’–
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