Friday, February 27, 2015
Come forth spring!
My man and I are headed down the road, or up the road, for John's baseball series for the next two days. We are both dressed like we are going out into the snow again. I much prefer shorts and Ts for baseball. We've had an ice storm and a snow storm. I prefer snow to ice. Snow was much more fun. We had a great sleepover that was filled with anticipation of a foot of snow, they missed it slightly. However, the snowflakes really were almost unrealistic they were so big and we had to get out and walk in it soon as dinner was over. Have to say it was gorgeous!! The night was filled with food, games, making snow cream and tons of laughter that I can't believe didn't awaken the youngest of the bunch. She slept like a snow angel but when morning came she was up and ready to get out in It. I've loved all of the snow fun but it really is time for warm temps and to trade these layers of clothes in, especially for baseball games. Here's a few shots of our fun...
Monday, February 23, 2015
Monday Morning Perspective

Chapter 3 opens with Jonah having been spewed out onto the beach and God spoke to Jonah "a second time".
Some great points from the sermon...
Can one person who is sold out and surrendered to God make a difference? One person can make a difference. God places us in strategic places and if we are the only believer in our place, there's purpose in it.
The people of Ninevah had a deadline...40 days. We all have a deadline we just don't know what it is.
We were reminded that the fish isn't the greatest miracle. The greatest miracle is the fact that an entire city, a large city, repented! Is that our prayer for our city? Are we praying that our entire city will turn to God?
We were challenged to never underestimate our value. God delights in using ordinary people. Salvation is from the Lord but He uses His people to share the message. I LOVE how Eddie went through events in the bible where God used people to share the good news when He could've used an angel or His Spirit or Jesus Himself but He gave the task to a person. Jonah didn't share directly with the King but he shared with some and word spread all the way to the palace. Our job, just share the news and leave the rest to God. Be faithful, God wants to use us.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Random musings
It It's been a great week around here, sure hope it has been for you! Sunday is my favorite always, getting to be with the church fam and worship! I can hardly wait to get there every Sunday. This Sunday was filled with good worship and good news as we celebrate our new campus launching soon. My family humored me and agreed to some family pics. It was actually planned for inside, because it is February, but we found the greatest spot outside. Yes, it was frigid but the winds from the morn had died down in perfect timing. It was unique and fun and everyone from the oldest to the youngest cooperated and hung in there. Usually when I say let's take pics, groans begin and murmurings (there's a scripture that speaks against that btw) but all went swell! Didn't hurt that we took them next to everyone's (most everyone's) fave coffee spot so it was well with our soul!
Monday the ice began to fall, snow would've been better, but it brought everyone under one roof for a few days so I'll take it. It was family and a few sweet girlfriends hunkered down together with no work, LOTS of comfort food, coffee, TV, card games, lots of loud laughter, and a little one that was endless entertainment. All 10 scattered around the house for the morn quiet time which was a necessity or we may not have lived in such close quarters quite so sweetly lol! Oh and the endless sound of the dishwasher running. I think we all kinda hated to see it end. To me the only purpose for winter and cold weather is to have snow, or ice, that just brings everyone and everything to a screeching halt. Super thankful we didn't lose power. I'll take one more good snow then I'll be praying hard for spring/summer temps so we can shed these coats n gloves! I'm a summer girl except for the enjoyment of snow.
Now everything goes back to the norm. The hubby and kids back to work or class and practice. Back to getting down in sleeping bags to watch baseball games that should be played in those summer temps. Hoping we get at least one more snowed in mini vaca. But an ever present reminder, whether we are iced in or life is running at the normal pace, is that God is good. His kindness is unmatched and I'm pretty sure He enjoys seeing us relaxed rather than running at that break neck pace we call the norm filled with many things that we call "in His name" or "for Him" but really more about us. Sometimes it's just good to "be still and know"...
Pics if you care to see...
Monday, February 16, 2015
Monday Morning Perspective
What a day at Fairview! It was a frigid, blustery day outside, but people came with hearts blazing ready to worship! The coffee was brewing at Holy Grounds, our band led us with energy and excitement, scripture reading of Jonah set a powerful tone getting us ready for the Word, and Eddie brought a much needed message! Eddie presented Jonah as a castaway making a comeback. The comebacks Eddie shared from our world and the bible opened our eyes to see that no matter how bleak things may look, a comeback can always happen. We see Jonah finally prayed when he hit bottom. It's the most intimate part of the book of Jonah as he prayed recognizing the disciplining hand of God.
I love how Eddie wrapped the message by putting out there the two lies Satan feeds us. 1. Whatever you're thinking about doing, just go ahead. No one else will suffer. God will forgive it anyway. 2. That's it, you've done it. He won't forgive this. You've gone too far. Don't buy these lies! Wherever we are on the path we can choose to stop and turn back to God. Jonah made the best decision in the worst place. He died to self and his own will and returned to God.
We learned after church yesterday that Edgewood voted 100% to become a multi site campus of Fairview and become Fairview East! For both churches to vote unanimously to do this shows us in a powerful way that God is all over this! He's brought it all about and He will do with us and through us what He will as we continue to seek Him and follow Him! Whatever it takes to win the east side of Greenville for Jesus, let's be sold out to doing it. As the pastor there said yesterday, "let's roll"!!!
Stay safe in this winter weather. More snow please Lord than ice! Enjoy it as time slows down, read a book, eat some comfort food, relish some Jesus time as schedules get tweeked a bit.
Monday, February 9, 2015
Monday Morning Perspective
Yesterday was one of the best days at Fairview yet. I know I say that a lot but this time I heard others say it as well. Usually when so much is going on in a worship service it can feel choppy. Not so yesterday. We had baptism, AGAIN,YAY! We had summer camp video. We had John and Justin read Jonah 1, to music which was beautiful! We had amazing worship led by our band and the message from Jonah 1 was exceptional. Everything just flowed which isn't the most important thing of course, but it sets such an impactful tone for worship. It could only be the Spirit that does that and it helps to have people, from stage people to those in our booth working together well as a team! We also voted to call Dr. Wilson Nelson and his wife Mary Winn to serve our seniors along with doing counseling and care. We had a standing ovation and a vote of affirmation to begin our new campus Fairview East! There were cheers and tears after that service. I think we are just all overwhelmed at the goodness of God to allow us to serve Him and for all of those He continues to add to our number.
So! Jonah 1! Eddie gave the importance of 3 cities and what they represent. Joppa is the city of decision. We all stand on that dock every day. We decide whether we are going to do what God says or not. Nineveh is not inviting but it's the place we need to be where we find purpose. Tarshish is comfortable and attractive but if that's our choice, we are going down.
Eddie pointed out that disobedience leads to consequences and causes others to suffer. The most exhausting thing we can do is run from God. Disobedience also brings wake up calls but Jonah chose to ignore those until he hit rock bottom. Disobedience can lead to disaster. Jonah thought going overboard would kill him, but it got worse. Maybe he thought he had survived that so he was good but then the fish came and swallowed him.
The greatest reminder Eddie gave us was that when a storm comes it's not for pay back, it's to bring us back. May we not have to hit rock bottom before we turn back!
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Tug of war
I have no idea what brought tug of war to mind this morning. My kids used to love to play. We played countless games of it at beach camp with students. I always hated playing. The rope burned my hands. My arms grew tired. Losing and getting dragged across the ground or sand was not my idea of fun.
The Christian life can be a lot like tug of war. We get burned by people. Our arms grow tired of serving and giving. Sometimes we feel like we are losing ground and we get dragged around, bruised, scarred and bleeding. Sometimes we drag others. At times we hold firm and we even catch other people's slack. And other times they catch ours. Hopefully we aren't the slackers all the time. But we need others to walk through life with us. To sometimes catch our slack or pick us up or heal our wounds. And we need to do that for others. We don't always need to be the one who needs lifting, we need to do our share of lifting. Sometimes we feel those on our team let us down and costs us a victory. But here's truth we can always rely on...God will never slack on us! His arms never grow tired. He won't burn us and He won't cost us victory. He will always pick us up and heal our wounds. He will always want us on His team. We can always count on Him. He's no slacker. Deuteronomy 7:9 says "Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, the FAITHFUL God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations." Isn't that the best news?! If you read on vs 10 says that he will not be slack with one who hates him. He will never slack. He will keep his covenant with those who love him and he will repay those who hate him. He's never slack in any way. He is just and righteous and faithful. May we be faithful. May we not be caught slacking as we love Him and serve Him by loving and serving others. We see in the call of Saul of Tarsus when he asked Saul why he was persecuting Him that He takes it very personally when hurt comes to His own. Saul was persecuting believers. And Jesus said he was persecuting Him in doing that. Let's not be guilty of causing that hurt. Let's be faithful and hold our end of the rope and help those along the way who have been hurt or struggling in the tug of war of life.
Monday, February 2, 2015
Monday Morning Perspective
Flee or Follow We didn't just start the Jonah series yesterday, we charged into it. It was probably one of the greatest sermons I've heard my husband preach and I know I say that a lot. This is going to be an amazing series! It's going to be a short one, but packed with good stuff. Please invite others or better yet, bring them. And commit to not missing a single one. If you missed the first one, take time to watch online!
Just a few highlights in case you missed...
...Jonah knew exactly what God called him to do, he paid the fare and went the opposite way.
...if you want to sin against God, Satan will be happy to provide the means.
...the costliest thing we do is sin against God.
...if we get back to God he'll take care of the rest.
...Jesus paid the fare for our sin on the cross. We don't have to, actually we can't.
This doesn't even scrape the surface. Get online and watch!! Have a favor-filled week doing those things God has called us to do.
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