A few weeks ago as I traveled one Sunday morning to Charleston, the focus of my prayer was that God would place a huge burden on us for people. That He would impress it so strongly on us that we couldn't possibly escape it. I prayed that we would love those God brings our way no matter how different they are from us or what their station in life is. I prayed that we would have a huge burden for our city and that we would claim it for Christ. I also prayed that He would make us desperate for Him and all that he wants to do in us and through us. He wants so much more for us than we can even imagine and I believe that this series is going to enlighten us to that.
A few thoughts from yesterday...
This series will help us in our business, small group, athletic teams and our individual lives.
There are 3 types of people: those who destroy what's being built, those who aren't as mean but just get in the way of what's being built and those who build. I know I want to be a builder and I'm praying God raises up many of those.
We looked at 1:4 and saw the response of Nehemiah. He wept, mourned, fasted and prayed. God gave him a burden for a people and a city 1000 miles away.
A great challenge by Eddie to remember the last time we reacted like this for the lost, those we know and don't know. We are all called to minister where God has placed us. He challenged us to check our own walls. Is there a crack somewhere? God wants to fill it with His presence. Are your walls completely broken down and your life in a mess? God can rebuild it but we have to want it and be willing to do the work.
This is going to be a challenging and encouraging series. We are going to see how much God loves us and how faithful He is. I hope you have people in mind to invite so that they can experience this. Let's not keep it to ourselves. We must be faithful. God has placed us all over the upstate and brings us in touch with people every day for His purpose. May we see them the way God sees them, with hearts full of love and compassion. We probably all could do some weeping and fasting over people we know who are desperate for God. Will we be faithful in the ministries He's given us? Can't wait for next Sunday!!
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