Well to piggyback on a post a few posts back, God did some more showing up and showing out in our midst. He answered some little prayers in big ways and gave us a smooth trip in every way to Colorado and back. He gave us very little traffic and a perfect parking spot at the airport only to walk in and be right at our counter and very little waiting. We had a super time in a perfect amount of time during our layovers in Atlanta and Dallas with a few treats to make us grin along the way. The big prayer need came when we were flying into Grand Junction only to have the pilot come on and tell us we would have to reroute to Denver because of the terrible winds. He didn't think he could land in the conditions and we knew a reroute to Denver also meant a 4 hour drive back to Grand Junction and it was already about 9pm. I gripped Eddie's arm as we went through the turbulence (always nice to have flesh to grip when scared) and we both started praying to the God that we knew could calm that storm. He did it in His Word and we knew if He chose to He could calm that wind storm as well. Without saying a word to each other we knew exactly how the other was praying. We could still see out of the window and all we could see was mountains. Much to our surprise the pilot continued lowering that plane and before we knew it we were on the runway in Grand Junction. The whole plane cheered and Eddie and I were praising!! As soon as the man from the hotel picked us up at the airport he was telling us how bad it had been there all day but suddenly it had all calmed down. We knew we were meant to be there, He had made it all happen and come together and He proved faith in Him was the perfect path!!!
We had a super fun week. Wish we had won some games but the time with Stephen and his team was fabulous! They were all treated like superstars and the people couldn't have been more hospitable. We took a day and went touring with one of Stephen's teammate's parents. We had no idea they were Christians too but it was an extra treat since we got to see some of God's most beautiful work with those who saw it all from that same perspective. We talked about what a mighty, creative God He is and what a beautiful setting that would be for our alone time with Him every day. We all had tears as we talked about His goodness. That was just an extra blessing God chose to give us along the way.
And yes (as was mentioned previously too) we got back in perfect time for John's baseball banquet. All planes were on time, no traffic coming home, God is good!! It was a special night for the boys especially seniors. Graduation time was fun as family arrived to celebrate John's special time. I only cried once...when they moved their tassels, something just seemed so final then.
Now bring on the summer!! My favorite time of year. It's going to be different, 1st time in 10 years noone is playing summer baseball. I'm praying for lots of family fun and relaxation, lots of God time alone and with other believers, some ministry opportunities, and that every day will be an opportunity to experience God in a way that will heal some hurts, clear up some uncertainties, bring a huge smile to my face, and cause me to praise Him whether things are good or not so good. I know He is in the midst of it all and I know that a little better than I did a year ago and I hope I will know it even more a year from now.
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