Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving Time Once More

I kinda hate to even start this because it's actually never ending and I will close it and forget a dozen things I failed to add but...I will anyway.  There's so many things I have to be thankful for it's hard to even know where to begin...
I'm thankful for...
Salvation, Redemption, Forgiveness and the Word.
I'm thankful for ...
A Christian heritage, A godly husband, that my 4 children are saved and live for Jesus, that my daughter married a godly man who loves Jesus and for his family and Christian heritage, for my brother, sister-in-law and precious nephews who love Jesus as well and serve Him, for my parents who led me to Christ and raised me to love Him and trust Him.
I'm thankful for...
My church family, churches who don't compromise the Word, ministers who are passionate and give it all, missionaries who don't see the sacrifice as a sacrifice, church leaders who are loyal and follow the leadership, sunday school teachers who study their lessons and serve faithfully, active church members who use their spiritual gifts and pass all the glory on to God.
I'm thankful for...
Mentors God has always placed in my life who tirelessly answer my questions and lead me, Friends who are bit ahead of me in age and experience and pass much wisdom on to me, Friends who encourage and serve as a soft place to fall, My awesome staff wives who serve alongside of me making it all worth it and much easier and they are friends as well,  Friends who have been friends for over 15 years...thank you for hanging in there even when times were tough, Friends who love me enough to give me the truth and trust me to handle it...you are real friends and I'm too old for the fake ones.
I'm thankful for...
Laughter, Fun times with girlfriends, Giggles from much younger girls who have filled my house and days with so much fun, Blogs that challenge me and encourage me, make me laugh and make me cry, Facebook that has reconnected me with people I have missed and lost touch with over the years.
I'm thankful for..
The hard times that have chiseled away some stuff in my life, the times when the road was rough and I got to see the best in people and got through some things I would never have believed I could have, the struggles when God showed Himself faithful, the mountains I've had to climb and the valleys I've had to walk through...I've learned so much from all of them.

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