Monday, November 22, 2010

Monday Morning Perspective

Back to MMP...finally.
My man's preaching NEVER gets old!!!  There are times when I think the whole world should get to hear him bring the Word every Sunday as I have had the privilege for so many years.  I owe so much of my spiritual growth to the fact that I have been able to feast at what he has put on the table year after year.  I am so thankful for his faithfulness to study and prepare and preach what God has put on his heart and he has never entered the pulpit unprepared or lazy.  Thank you honey for taking seriously the bringing of God's Word, for making it priority in your schedule, and not giving up the pulpit often.  I have studied at the feet of other bible teachers and listened to numerous others preach and teach but none compares to what I have gained from you.  It's exhausting work not only the preaching but fighting the spiritual warfare throughout, just want you to know that this church member thinks YOU ROCK!!  My prayer is that believers everywhere would choose their church not based on programs, music, contemporary or traditional, but base it on where God's Word is preached and prioritized.
Major points God has me pondering this Monday morning...
...If we are believers, why don't we act like it.  Such a fan of living out what we say with our mouth that we believe.
...Losing sensitivity to our sin is a dangerous place to be. Never want God to turn me over to it, I want a heart quick to repent.
...What nature do we feed the most...the old self or the new?  The one we feed the most will be the one that gets stronger.  All the time and energy and money we spend to be entertained, that we give to facebook and twitter, to following and elevating hollywood "stars" and athletes who continue to let us down and live a life totally opposite of what we believe...what if just a portion of that time was spent studying God's Word and praying???  Just a thought.
I love how God continues to take the sermon throughout the week and teach me and convict me and change me.  That's kinda the point isn't it?  That's the reason most preachers do what they's not just about Sunday and presenting a good message.  It's about lives being changed and my prayer is that God continues to change me cause He sure knows I'm nowhere near where I need to be.  Loving this study in Ephesians!

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