Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Spartanburg they come

My oh my there have been so many changes in our household in the past days, weeks, and months and they just keep coming.  Times like this just so glad to be holding on tight to Jesus and walking it out with Him.
Jessica and Stephen, this one's for you...deep breath, no telling how many times I'm going to have to stop this and come back to it but here goes my best effort...
I so wish words could express my heartfelt feelings to both of you but there's no way they can.  You two have brought more joy, laughter, fun, thrills than I can describe on a computer screen.  Even in my "pulling my hair out" moments there's noone I'd rather make me "pull my hair out".  Fifteen months apart, you two have done a lot of life together so it's fairly appropriate that you head off to college together.  The only problem with that is you move out of my house together.  Letting you both go at the same time is tough but knowing you will be together brings some comfort to a mom. 
Jessica, I so enjoyed having this past year with you for some alone time while all the others were in school.  We had some gym times and lunched most every day together.  You were a bright spot in the house while all the others were at school.  I will miss you sooooo.   Having said that, let me say how excited I really am for you!!  You get to go out and do the college thing, living in a dorm with a roomie and getting to build new relationships with guys and gals from all over the place.  What an exciting time of life.  You will grow and change a lot.  You get to make decisions without running them past mom and dad.  I know you are ready for that because you have always made good decisions.  It will stretch you though.  You will grow so much in your relationship with Christ because you will learn to lean on Him more than ever.  My prayer is that your relationship with Him will go to a whole new level.  Lean hard on Him, He will never let you down and He's the only one who won't.  Take full advantage of all of it.  He will bring new people in your life, all for a purpose.  You may meet your very best friend for life there.  You may meet your husband there.  But I do know you will meet Christ there in a way you have never seen Him before.  Enjoy all that He has there for you.  You only get a few short years for this part of your life and then the real world hits and you really have to grow up.  Be a bright light on that cheer squad and in that dorm.  What an awesome opportunity to live out Christ in front of others.  Don't neglect your bible study time and church time.  Jump in there and use those gifts and soak up all He has to teach you there.  You are everything we ever imagined you to be and more.  We have no worries as we send you off, you are so grounded in your belief system and love for Jesus.  We know you are ready to go off and make a huge impact so we bless you and say go girl with all the passion and energy you have always lived life with.  We love you so much!!
Stephen, I am going to miss your presence around here.  Whether you are talking or sitting or grunting answers to me you are just plum joy.  You are more than we ever imagined our 18 year old teenage son to be.  You have surpassed everything in every way.  I meant it the other day when I told you I have no worries about you going to college.  I've never known a boy your age who was so grounded and determined to live for God at this point in life.  As you go to college it may become more difficult to make time for Him but DO IT.  Don't rest where you are.  Continue on.  You have a huge opportunity in the next few years to do some big things for God, don't miss them.  There's very few platforms in our culture that can affect people like the sports platform and that platform will work for you the rest of your life.  You are a huge influence within the church but there are great things to be done in the area that you are going to be engulfed in.  Take advantage of all of them.  He's going to bring people in your life that you have a short amount of time to influence and some may take that influence with them throughout their life.  Work hard in the classroom and on the ballfield.  Have fun watching what God is going to do in your life.  Let Him have full reign and He will do more than you ever can imagine.  Know that every person He brings into your life is there for a purpose, His purpose.  Take advantage of the church opportunities that will offer you growth and fellowship.  Learn more from your coach than how to be a better ballplayer.  The coaches He has placed in your life there can teach you how to be a better man,  We are so thankful for them.   Go knowing we will miss you like crazy but couldn't be more excited for you.  Enjoy this time!!  It lasts for such a short time and then it's over.  We will be here praying for you every day as always and there probably more than you will want, haha.  Keep the bar high and go live with all that energy you have had for the past 18 years.  You have been a blast around here, we've enjoyed every single moment.  We love you a ton!!!

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