Monday, August 23, 2010

Monday Morning Perspective

This may be a little different from most MMPs.  There just seems to be a conglomeration of things to post.
First and man can preach the Word.  I am so grateful for a husband and a pastor who emphasizes preaching the Word, studying the Word, staying in the Word.  He pushes me not only in His sermons but also personally the importance of bible study. can never get enough of it.  Once a week isn't enough.  Trust me, the person who says there's no need for bible study or there is a point where enough is enough is a SHALLOW believer who sees the world from a world's perspective and what did the pastor say in the sermon was the goal...TO SEE THINGS FROM A SPIRITUAL PERSPECTIVE!!!  The only way we can do that is a close intimate walk with Him through His Word and through prayer continually.  The message was about all we have in Christ, the blessings we have yet we live like spiritual paupers.  God have mercy.  Until we get to the point where we crave Him more than anything else, we will just be paupers and God knows that's not what we should long for. 
A word about Sunday night service...another awesome message. I told Eddie that was one of his best on giving I've heard.  No better place to be on Sunday night than back in the Word.  I also love how the ministers on Sunday nights are sharing with us a bit of their ministry happenings.  Loved how David shared with everyone last week about the family we were able to help and reconnect, and Ronnie shared how God is working in the childrens ministry and among the childrens workers.  Love being with God's people all day on Sunday. 
Favorite quote of the day from the morning message...How rich are you?  Think of all the things you have that money can't buy.  Then think of all the things you have that death can't take away.

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