Monday, August 30, 2010

Monday Morning Perspective

Are we predestined?  That was the question of the day in yesterday's message.  Eddie did an awesome job preaching the biblical doctrine of predestination and election.  I love how he used the acrostic TULIP to explain the issues, very helpful.  It was one of those listen close, think hard sermons that I'm glad I take notes so I didn't miss anything. 
My favorite part of the sermon...looking around and seeing some of our young ladies with their notebooks out taking sermon notes.  LOVE THAT...a sign of hunger for His Word!!  What a huge blessing to my heart.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

A different kind of week

It's the first week of the new norm I guess.  Married child off doing life, two college kids moved in and settled and down to one in the nest.  It's been extremely quiet but definitely not boring.  Jessica took my car to school with her so I've been homebound you could say.  That actually hasn't been too bad either at least for me.  My sweet hubby has come home to pick me up for things when needed and we've had a few lunches together.  Thankfully home is where I've always enjoyed being anyway.  I can always come up with something to do and it does wonders for my prayer life, personal worship time, and bible study time when I don't have a car to take off in and do things that really probably don't matter much anyway.  I have darling friends who have offered rides and to come get me and chauffer me so it's nice to know I have friends like that. 
We enjoyed Eddie's birthday but that was kinda different.  He got 3 phone calls that day that I'm pretty sure made his special day extra special but a bit strange not having them around on a birthday. 
Today is Stephen's spiritual birthday, so thankful we have that special day for all of our kids to celebrate what God has done in their lives.  Sad that this is the first I won't see his sweet face but we will have a celebration next weekend when he comes home.
God brought a sweet lady to me this week.  She was our waitress on Sunday.  I had never met her but she knew who I was or more accurately who my husband is and what he is.  So she asked me a question that then led to great discussion and a common bond...Jesus!  Love those conversations.  So interesting because I started thinking about the contrast between that sweet waitress and the lady who was fussing when we walked in because evidently we were seated at a table that was "her" table for the past 12 years.  Amazing how important some people think they are.  Anyway, the hateful lady started saying how she was late getting there because they were let out of church late (oh my, she actually had just come from church...definitely wish I hadn't even heard that).  Won't even go into all that started going through my head at that point or the prayer I prayed for her pastor whoever he is.  However, after talking to our waitress about life and Christ and church, etc., God brought to my mind (yes the same mind that had some hateful things going through it about the "church lady") that one day He will make everything right.  Those who think they should be greatest and first will be last and those who take a back seat on this earth will be ushered to the front.  At His feast it will be interesting to see if there's any fussing about who's seated where.  Amazing to me how the "church lady" felt so good about herself proclaiming to all who could hear how she was late because she had been to church and the waitress there serving all of us had to miss church to work and serve us.  Hmmmm, guess that can be the difference between "church ladies" and Jesus lovers.
Oh and got a book yesterday called The Christian Atheist.  Feel pretty sure Craig Groeschel is going to beat me up in this one and will probably without a doubt address the "church lady" mentality that can rise up in all of us.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Monday Morning Perspective

This may be a little different from most MMPs.  There just seems to be a conglomeration of things to post.
First and man can preach the Word.  I am so grateful for a husband and a pastor who emphasizes preaching the Word, studying the Word, staying in the Word.  He pushes me not only in His sermons but also personally the importance of bible study. can never get enough of it.  Once a week isn't enough.  Trust me, the person who says there's no need for bible study or there is a point where enough is enough is a SHALLOW believer who sees the world from a world's perspective and what did the pastor say in the sermon was the goal...TO SEE THINGS FROM A SPIRITUAL PERSPECTIVE!!!  The only way we can do that is a close intimate walk with Him through His Word and through prayer continually.  The message was about all we have in Christ, the blessings we have yet we live like spiritual paupers.  God have mercy.  Until we get to the point where we crave Him more than anything else, we will just be paupers and God knows that's not what we should long for. 
A word about Sunday night service...another awesome message. I told Eddie that was one of his best on giving I've heard.  No better place to be on Sunday night than back in the Word.  I also love how the ministers on Sunday nights are sharing with us a bit of their ministry happenings.  Loved how David shared with everyone last week about the family we were able to help and reconnect, and Ronnie shared how God is working in the childrens ministry and among the childrens workers.  Love being with God's people all day on Sunday. 
Favorite quote of the day from the morning message...How rich are you?  Think of all the things you have that money can't buy.  Then think of all the things you have that death can't take away.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Spartanburg they come

My oh my there have been so many changes in our household in the past days, weeks, and months and they just keep coming.  Times like this just so glad to be holding on tight to Jesus and walking it out with Him.
Jessica and Stephen, this one's for you...deep breath, no telling how many times I'm going to have to stop this and come back to it but here goes my best effort...
I so wish words could express my heartfelt feelings to both of you but there's no way they can.  You two have brought more joy, laughter, fun, thrills than I can describe on a computer screen.  Even in my "pulling my hair out" moments there's noone I'd rather make me "pull my hair out".  Fifteen months apart, you two have done a lot of life together so it's fairly appropriate that you head off to college together.  The only problem with that is you move out of my house together.  Letting you both go at the same time is tough but knowing you will be together brings some comfort to a mom. 
Jessica, I so enjoyed having this past year with you for some alone time while all the others were in school.  We had some gym times and lunched most every day together.  You were a bright spot in the house while all the others were at school.  I will miss you sooooo.   Having said that, let me say how excited I really am for you!!  You get to go out and do the college thing, living in a dorm with a roomie and getting to build new relationships with guys and gals from all over the place.  What an exciting time of life.  You will grow and change a lot.  You get to make decisions without running them past mom and dad.  I know you are ready for that because you have always made good decisions.  It will stretch you though.  You will grow so much in your relationship with Christ because you will learn to lean on Him more than ever.  My prayer is that your relationship with Him will go to a whole new level.  Lean hard on Him, He will never let you down and He's the only one who won't.  Take full advantage of all of it.  He will bring new people in your life, all for a purpose.  You may meet your very best friend for life there.  You may meet your husband there.  But I do know you will meet Christ there in a way you have never seen Him before.  Enjoy all that He has there for you.  You only get a few short years for this part of your life and then the real world hits and you really have to grow up.  Be a bright light on that cheer squad and in that dorm.  What an awesome opportunity to live out Christ in front of others.  Don't neglect your bible study time and church time.  Jump in there and use those gifts and soak up all He has to teach you there.  You are everything we ever imagined you to be and more.  We have no worries as we send you off, you are so grounded in your belief system and love for Jesus.  We know you are ready to go off and make a huge impact so we bless you and say go girl with all the passion and energy you have always lived life with.  We love you so much!!
Stephen, I am going to miss your presence around here.  Whether you are talking or sitting or grunting answers to me you are just plum joy.  You are more than we ever imagined our 18 year old teenage son to be.  You have surpassed everything in every way.  I meant it the other day when I told you I have no worries about you going to college.  I've never known a boy your age who was so grounded and determined to live for God at this point in life.  As you go to college it may become more difficult to make time for Him but DO IT.  Don't rest where you are.  Continue on.  You have a huge opportunity in the next few years to do some big things for God, don't miss them.  There's very few platforms in our culture that can affect people like the sports platform and that platform will work for you the rest of your life.  You are a huge influence within the church but there are great things to be done in the area that you are going to be engulfed in.  Take advantage of all of them.  He's going to bring people in your life that you have a short amount of time to influence and some may take that influence with them throughout their life.  Work hard in the classroom and on the ballfield.  Have fun watching what God is going to do in your life.  Let Him have full reign and He will do more than you ever can imagine.  Know that every person He brings into your life is there for a purpose, His purpose.  Take advantage of the church opportunities that will offer you growth and fellowship.  Learn more from your coach than how to be a better ballplayer.  The coaches He has placed in your life there can teach you how to be a better man,  We are so thankful for them.   Go knowing we will miss you like crazy but couldn't be more excited for you.  Enjoy this time!!  It lasts for such a short time and then it's over.  We will be here praying for you every day as always and there probably more than you will want, haha.  Keep the bar high and go live with all that energy you have had for the past 18 years.  You have been a blast around here, we've enjoyed every single moment.  We love you a ton!!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

It's now Mr. and Mrs. Hux

Can hardly believe it's been over a week since the big day. Time keeps moving on, doesn't it? It's amazing how you spend months planning for something and then it's over in a flash. I hardly wanted to go to bed that night just so it wouldn't all end so quickly.  It was fun coming home and eating wedding cake at 11:30pm and discussing all the details together, just needed the bride and groom to discuss it with us but they wouldn't stick around LOL!!
I have to say it was one of the most enjoyable times and day of my life. We had so much fun not only anticipating it but soaking in the whole day. My sweet girl never had a moment of bridezilla, praise God, even that day we all just kept telling her back in the room that she was just way too calm. I think we were all a little more nervous than she was. I guess when you are that sure, there is only excitement.
Please let me just say a huge thank you to so many of you who made all of it such a blessing. We were constantly amazed at the people who offered so many different things and services as a gift, we were just totally blown away. The gifts that you all have bestowed on them is incredible. My living and dining room is filled to overflowing with blessings you have given them. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! God truly used His people to pour out blessings on our family and we will be forever grateful. Thank you to all who were such a huge part of it with us.
They had a glorious honeymoon, giddy every time we spoke with them, and now just so ready to do this life together. We are all excited about what God has planned for them and the ministry He has laid out for them. There are some students out there who are going to be super blessed to benefit from their ministry and we are going to be pouring out prayers all over them. If I could ask one thing, it would be that you join us in praying not only for Michael and Chrissie but the church they are called to, the pastor there, the students and families, the community and the schools. We want God to get much glory and do a great work. They are living by faith right now waiting to see where the Lord would have them serve.  I love seeing them walk this out and trusting the Lord without worry.  He is stretching them and they will be better because of it.  He has a great plan and so glad that they are willing to be a part of it wherever that is and whenever He says.  Love to all and many blessings to you.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Monday Morning Perspective

We started a series entitled Be The Church yesterday which will focus on church health and could last the better part of a year. I am so excited about this and if you were there yesterday and heard the 1st message you have to be excited as well. What a great start!!
We will be in the book of Ephesians but we started in Revelation with the letter to the church in Ephesus.
We looked at the positive things about the church in Ephesus, the things that made them healthy. They were dedicated. Jesus commended them for being busy about the church. So often today I believe laziness just gets in the way or we are busy about other things and don't have any energy or time left for church. We see so many who have the one event per week mentality. I am so grateful for a church with programs for our children, our youth, our seniors, our men and women. Relying on sunday morning worship to get us through the week will never be enough. We need our own quiet time every day and bible study with other believers and fellowship.
The negative word to the Ephesians was that they had left their first love. What a tragedy for this church that had so many positives yet leaving their first love and failure to repent caused the church to crumble. May that never be said about our church. Remember the statement Eddie started is not where you go it's who you are. As a people may we grow in our love for Christ daily and if we find that we are not doing that, may we quickly repent.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Former Ingroup...this one's for you

Just had to take a moment to give a shout out to my former ingroup.
I remember sitting on my backporch one evening after dinner with Brandon Bowers who was explaining his vision for ingroups...indepth bible study with fellowship, the perfect combo. I remember him looking at me and asking if I would consider leading one of the groups. I immediately said yes cause I loved the whole idea but I added, "I want those 7th graders". One reason is I wanted to get a group from the start and go the whole way, I also wanted Stephen's grade of girls. He said ok, I said ok and the rest is history.
I had no idea all that God was going to do from that moment on. I had no idea how this group of crazy, talk-all-the-time, full of energy bunch of girls would take hold of my heart and run with it. I had no idea how much I would learn from them and how much I could truly love kids not my own. It's so hard to explain other than it has been such a God thing.
As you girls move on to college I just have to reminisce a bit. I wouldn't trade anything in this world for our time together. Nothing in my ministry has ever compared to piling up on the couch or in the floor with you, opening God's Word and watching Him work among all of us. The times we spent in that circle praying whether on our knees or in our special hand holding twisting around way is forever impressed on my heart. Hearing you voice those prayers, hearing you share what God was doing in your life goes beyond anything I've ever done in ministry. I'm going to miss our Fair times, movie nights, Christmas parties, the road rage during the hunts even amidst your griping and complaining trying to win and not get pulled for speeding. I'll even miss our dinners out even though we drove waiters and all around us nuts and I threatened to never take you all out in public again. We learned so much about one another and especially Jesus as we put away all those burgers, tacos, chicken, and pounds of chips and cookies. We lived life real together. We cried hard together and we laughed hard. We got all in each others business holding one another accountable. You put up with me even when I told you you could do better with those boyfriend choices and needed to be wiser with friends. We lived honestly with each other and that's the only way to really live and love. I'm just grateful at least a few of you still love me.
As much as I dread you leaving and will miss you like a limb, I am so proud of you. God has chosen this class, guys and girls, to shoot you out all over this state. From the low state to the midlands to the upstate, He is placing you all over. You have a strong foundation and He knows you are ready. There's no better group to send out. You have grown so much and He is going to use you in a mighty way.
My challenge is to stand firm. Continue to grow in Him. Choose friends who will hold you accountable to your values. Get involved in a church that will minister to you and allow you to use your gifts to serve. You have so much to offer. Don't neglect your own time with the Lord, you can't afford to let that slip in college. Keep the bar high for those you date. We spent hours talking about that bar so don't accept one that falls beneath it. You all deserve that godly guy who loves Jesus and you more than himself. Leave the ucky ones alone, remember we always said "they are a dime a dozen". The good ones really are out there, you just have to trust God to bring them along in His time and make sure you are living a life worthy of receiving God's best. Remember all the people He brings your way is there for a purpose. That roomie that drives you crazy at times, that suitemate that annoys you, that girl down the hall with the loud music or tv, even that professor who seems to live to make your life miserable has been placed there for you to have an impact on. Live at peace with others as far as it depends on you, hold your tongue, words are so hard to take back, and LOVE LOVE LOVE.
Got to wrap it up but remember I live in the same house at least for now so you all know where I am. My Gamecock girls, Eddie and I would love to take you to lunch on some Fridays when we're in Columbia if you'll give us the honor. Lindsey, you're my intown girl so we can lunch anytime you want and I love drop-bys. My upstate girls, you know I will be there a LOT soooo, just saying, would love to see you. Graham, I don't go to Beaufort much but I will if you call. Unbelieveable how God is placing you girls all over the!!
I love all of you. Just because you are moving on doesn't mean you will move off of my prayer list or out of my heart. You girls have come so far and it's been a joy to see you grow up and grow in your relationship with the Lord. I am better for having been a part of your life. God really probably did teach me more through you than I ever taught you. I am so grateful to Him for the opportunity to spend those precious years with you and for every moment and every memory. Now you all go and be blessed and do a mighty work for Him and pass on that glory to Him, remember we hold none for ourselves. Pour yourself out, you will never regret what you do for Him.
Col. 1:9-12...Eph. 3:14-21

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wedding Week

It's been a very calm and uneventful wedding week so far. The plan from the beginning was to have all the major work done by the end of last week so this could be a very calm time for all of us. Most of the fun stuff has been this week. Recap a bit...
We had the final meeting with the florist and decorator. Just made all of us even more excited!
We all got our highlights done, well we girls did. I had gray to cover, girls just covered dark. Fun!! John did get his cut and Michael got the 2nd cut in 2 weeks.
Chrissie and Michael finished the slide show, they are so techno. Haven't watched it yet and may not for a few weeks. Hope you all enjoy it at the wedding but I won't be in there during that.
Lots of thank you notes go Chrissie.
Programs are done...woohoo.
We pick the portrait up tomorrow and they head to Augusta to get aisle markers and tuxedos. Whoo, I think this is really going to happen.
The worst thing of all...Chrissie is packing up the room. I just thought that was rough when she packed up to go to school but this is ridiculous. John is already making his plans to move in and I am mourning the loss of a true fashionista girly room. She and Jess have cleaned out clothes, shoes, bags, etc. so thinking there's a lot of stuff for some girls to come over and sort through. It's all there for the taking.
Family and friends start coming into town tomorrow and Stephen is coming back from his trip to Toccoa and I am def ready to see his face. Thinking tomorrow night is going to be the last "6 of us" dinner around the kitchen table with Chrissie making the menu, whatever she wants.
All in all it's been a very stress-free week and I have to say I have loved my role as mother of the bride.
Friday is fun day: manis and pedis (girls only), lunch, checking out the church, rehearsal and dinner and the bachelor/bachelorette party at the house.
Guess the next blog will be wedding highlights. Covet your prayers that all will go well and the only one glorified will be the Lord Jesus. May His presence be real and felt by all. Much love and many thanks to so many who have made all of this come about. You have offered so much help, words of encouragement, gifts to get them started, prayers that we have felt, so many different ways you have put love into action on our behalf. We are so thankful for all of our family and friends. You make all of this so much more fun and enjoyable. Blessings to all.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Chrissie Dawn Leopard

I thought I would title this post this way because when you were little and people asked you your name you would tell them your full name, so wish I could write it how you used to say it. You only have a few more days for this to be your full name, how bittersweet that is. In less than a week you will be Mrs. Chrissie Dawn Hux.
There's hundreds of thoughts, feelings, emotions all going on at one time right now. Thoughts of how time sure flies and how I wish I had a video of your entire life to relive. Thoughts of how this is how life is supposed to be...bring up your children in such a way that they are fully capable of living life on their own. Feelings that want to hang on to you and call all of this off while at the same time feeling like it can't get here soon enough, just so full of excitement. Emotions that make me want to laugh and burst out in tears while feeling a sense of woe is me yet woohoo this is my life. Craziness!! I can't promise Michael much about the future and what's to come but I can promise him he will never be bored. You have kept us hopping between dance classes, gymnastics, cheerleading, basketball, sleepovers or lack of sleepovers. You have attacked life with such passion and energy and that's just what you are going to need as a minister's wife especially to students. Wow are they gonna be blessed.
These months of planning have flown by and now here we are with the big day staring us in the face. The planning has been so much fun made easy by friends who have really come forth acting out their friendship not just with words but with action. You must feel so loved, I know I do and tremendously blessed. God has put so many special people in our lives.
Meetings over flowers and reception menu, decorations and music, looking at dozens and dozens of bridesmaids dresses parties and showers galore and on and on and on...what a blast it has been with you. You have been so focused on the things that really matter, having a worshipful wedding that glorifies only one person, Jesus Christ, and having a marriage and ministry that points everyone to Him, the source of true life.
I could not be more thankful that you are my daughter. Not only are you stunning in that wedding dress but you take my breath away when I think of what a godly young woman you have become. There were so many roads you could have chosen from your young teen years on and you chose His way. You have done it His way and He has poured out the blessings. Now He's giving you a ministry with young girls to give them a visual of how it pays off to do life God's way and you are going to be fabulous at it.
I'm going to try my best and control the tears when you come walking down that aisle but no promises. I can't wait to see Michael's face, bet he's gonna cry. Watching you walk that aisle in that gorgeous white gown that's almost as pure as you are, recite those vows to your groom, and see if your Dad can get through it is going to make for some kind of wedding day.
That platform will be full of people who have invested in your life. Some all of your life and others maybe just months. All of them love you and care for you but none more than your 5 family members on that stage with you. I am so blessed to have that front row view: your Dad trying to get through it like it's any other wedding, your brothers standing proud watching their new brother come into the family and that girl to your left who you've shared clothes, shoes, advice, breakup tears, new relationship fun and countless other things now shares in the most special day of all. Always told you that when friends fade and move on the fam would always be there and they will be. Stephen always referred to us as "just the 6 of us". There will be many more sharing in this day but none will have those same snapshots going through their heads all day of the "just 6 of us" times of family time, some thrilling, some painful but we got through all of it together. Saturday, "just the 6 of us" will turn into "the 7 of us" and none of us could be more thrilled. Michael is everything I ever promised you was "out there somewhere". That boy stormed into our lives more like a "hurricane" than a "gator" (sorry Michael) and none of us could help falling in love with him. He probably still has no clue what all he is getting into with joining up with us but we can promise him that it will always be busy and full steam ahead, that's just the way the Leopards do life...all out or nothing at all.
As for the marriage, you just keep loving the Lord and focusing on Him and He is going to create the wife He has called you to be. Remember...Michael's job is not to meet every desire and need that you have. There are needs that God has reserved for only Himself to meet. Michael will be your husband, he will fail you at times for he is human. He is not your Savior and he is not to be your God. Love him and be quick to forgive. Be quick to listen and slow to criticize. Let him lead and submit to him. He won't be perfect but neither will you. Hold your tongue at times, words are hard to take back. Pray for him constantly, even if you are tattling on him for God to do a work. Marriage takes work daily. It calls for sacrifice and loyalty. Know that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion. As you both grow and change, make sure that you are both growing in your relationship with your Father and He will continue to grow you together. You have an amazing ministry life ahead of you. Pray that God will protect that, Satan doesn't mess with the disobedient and lazy. He attacks those with passion and a heart for God so you pray for that man. Love him, trust him, pray for him, follow him. Do marriage God's way and there will be blessings there as well.
Our promise as your family is to pray like crazy for both of you and love you probably more than you can stand. We promise to cheer you on and stay out of your way most of the time. We promise to trust God to lead and direct you and not ourselves. Go and be blessed as husband and wife knowing that we are 100 percent supporting you. As you leave our nest to fulfill God's plan for your life know that it's all good. You are marrying well. We are thrilled to our marrow for you both. Stay snuggled close in your husband's arms and even closer to your Father. We bless you and love you!