Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Perfect Game-The Perfect Trip

I'm sitting here on a very rainy and cold Tuesday, missing the beautiful, sunny, warm (actually hot which is how I like it) Florida. We are back from our whirlwind trip that came up fairly quickly. Stephen pitched against a team out of Charleston called the Diamond Devils a few weeks ago. He did very well so they invited him to go with them to pitch in Jupiter, Florida at The Perfect Game. It was a championship tournament that they have every year there for teams who had earned their way there. It's where pro and college scouts come to see players to recruit or draft. Every college team and pro team have their people there to watch. I was warned but nothing can quite prepare you for the hundreds of golf carts riding around with these scouts and the hundreds of people that are there. There were 85 teams playing from all over the country. It was simply amazing. Here's a recap...
We arrived in Jupiter on Thursday afternoon for Stephen to meet with the Diamond Devils for workouts and dinner. He stayed with them because that's what they do when they travel. I was a little nervous since he wouldn't know anyone but he said the coaches and players were great at introducing themselves and treating him like one of their own. We enjoyed a great dinner at The Yard House thanks to Chrissie's boyfriend Michael Hux leading us around. He lives in West Palm Beach so we got to spend some time with him.
Friday was a full day. Thankfully it didn't start early and it was a gorgeous 87 degrees with a breeze through those palm trees. As soon as we walked through the gate I knew it was going to be something like we had never experienced. They played the games at the St. Louis Cardinals and Florida spring training facility. Fields were manicured, people everywhere. DD played at 12:30, won that game, then turned around and played at 3:00 and won that one too. This team can play!! It was like watching a college team play. They played together as a team, cheered for each other, no errors, outstanding pitching. You could tell they were well coached and they came to play. There was no fooling around, it was all business but loads of fun. I guess winning usually is fun though.
Saturday started early, 10am game. The deal was if they won, they got a free afternoon with family. Lose and it was practice. Praise God they won so we got Stephen til 10 that night. We grabbed some lunch at The Thirsty Turtle and watched college football on their tvs then headed for the beach. The water was so blue and gorgeous, it was breezy and warm, awesome afternoon. We spent dinner at Duffy's Sports Bar and Grille surrounded by about 50 tvs and 5 different college football games, great fun. We got Stephen back by 10 and turned him back over to the team. He would be the starter for Sunday's game at 12:30 so he needed a good night's sleep. Continue this tomorrow.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Monday Morning Perspective

What a great day of worship yesterday. Music was awesome and great crowds in both services. A great day at Millbrook.
The message from IPeter was great as always. I loved how Eddie started the message mentioning the fact that we as Christians walk to a different tune and we don't journey through life as tourists. I think so many times we fail to get involved in things because we know that we are just passing through this world but God put us here for a purpose and we need to be making a difference. My favorite part was on our adversary. Eddie mentioned how we need to be alert and Spirit-controlled. Sometimes we need to flee and resist the devil and sometimes God calls us to arm ourselves and stand firm and fight. We are not called to fight as the world does and do battle in our own strength but we are to put on the armour of God and fight in His strength. We overcome by prayer and the Word. The reminder that we as Christians are on the same team and we need to have each other's backs was a great reminder. So often we spend our time fighting with each other and competing with each other and that puts the focus where Satan wants it. We are on the same team and should be working together to win these battles against Satan instead of fighting with one another over trivial little things that are nothing more than petty distractions. Have a blessed Monday.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Pastor Appreciation

October is Pastor Appreciation month so I want to do a shout out to my favorite pastor ever. Top Ten Reasons I love my pastor:
10) He's awfully good to look at.
9) He's great at the balancing act of ministry/family time.
8) He feeds the sheep EVERY week. He never enters the pulpit unprepared.
7) He is totally passionate about ministry.
6) He loves God's Word.
5) He never seems to give up on people.
4) He's a fabulous Dad.
3) He's a much better leader than he gives himself credit for.
2) He surrounds himself with great people and is always willing to listen and
learn from them. He checks the ego at the door for the good of the kingdom.
1) The number one reason I love my pastor is he is my special gift from God and
I never tire of hanging with him or hearing him preach God's Word.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Monday Morning Perspective

Hope everyone made it to church yesterday and sincerely pray that if you did you received an anointed message the way those of us at Millbrook did. Eddie delivered a great message yesterday that truly was great for anyone to hear but especially good for ministers and leadership. He preached about the role of a pastor, responsibilities of a pastor, and the rewards of being a pastor.
Several points that struck a chord with me:
1) Don't choose a church based on programs, worship style or other "things". Choose a church home based on whether or not the Word of God is proclaimed. So many choose a church based on what the church can do for them or what they enjoy but the message is the main thing. We should be able to worship God with a variety of music styles but if the Word is not taught or only referred to we will never grow up in the faith.
2) A pastor should guard the sheep. I am so glad that Eddie is jealous for us in that he does not allow just anyone to come before us and preach. He makes sure they are biblically sound and preach in line with God's Holy Word. I must say I am the same way when it comes to our women's ministry whether someone is speaking or leading one of our studies or we are studying under a bible teacher. We cannot afford to be too careful when we sit under someone handling God's Word.
3) Be willing to lead. I am so glad that Eddie still gets excited about ministry. He has such a passion for what he does. It's hard to believe that any minister couldn't get excited about working for God but there are plenty of them. We are very blessed.
Great message Hon.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

In love with Self

Before I get into this...yes I facebook, yes I twitter---have my reasons, mostly it's just fun and a great way to communicate with those that I want to communicate with. Some things about it I hate, namely statusing every thought or feeling or trying to jab someone and actually hitting the wrong person. That stuff makes me crazy!!
I saw this weekend where a college coach has banned twitter for his players. Now as a coach I believe he has the right to do that. If you are going to be on his team he sets the rules, if you don't like it go to another team. He commented that he thinks it's just over the top that people think others are so interested in them and what they're doing (agree) and he doesn't want any tweeting about football and his team. The NBA I understand did that as well because players were doing it on the bench...unbelieveable. Get your mind on the game, be a player.
I think the college football coach has a point. We are a self-absorbed culture anyway. For the most part we really do believe that everyone cares what we're doing and where we're going. I think we have bought into the idea that the world would stop if we were not in it. Have to say I am kinda tired of being around those who think this is their world and we are just all a little speck in it. I've been around enough snotty ones to last me forever. I know that a lot of us are quiet by nature and not so outgoing and so our being reserved is seen by many as being snobby. I always try to look more at how people carry themselves more than by how much they say because I like those who have discipline with using their tongue so much. I don't sit and judge people by how they look but so often you can tell by the way someone "enters a room" whether they think "ok everything can start now, I'm here". UGH. I'm tired of people tooting their own horn about "all I do" translated "this or that could not go on if it weren't for me" or people boasting about their gifts or athletic ability or even boasting about how friendly they are compared to others. OH MY, sometimes I think we've reached an all time low. God's Word says if we are going to boast, boast in the Lord Jesus. He alone is the only one worthy of boasting about and the only one we should truly be interested in what He is doing and what He is up to. Noone else's stuff really makes any difference.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Renew our mind

I know I am doing better in my resolve to work out because I went to the gym this morning on a cold (by my standards 57 degrees) rainy monday morning. Normally that would have been the perfect excuse to stay home but I didn't. So, I grabbed my ipod but couldn't find my earphones, immediately blamed the kids and took John's off of his desk. When I got to the gym and put in his earphones I then knew he had to be the one who took mine because the left earphone on his didn't work. I jumped on the treadmill and started my workout. Here's the problem... when just one of those earphones doesn't work you can't completely tune out the stuff "out there" that you don't want to hear. In my right ear I was getting my christian music and in my left ear getting that trash music from the gym radio. I promise you it took over half my time there to finally be able to tune that music out. It was the most annoying thing. Then I started thinking how often I have "God stuff" going in one of my ears, by choice, and I let the "world stuff" go in my other ear, by choice. I read God's Word but then listen to the viewpoints of The View. I try to focus on God's view for marriage and family and then on tv see a "reality" show with a family falling apart and mom and dad making money off of putting that on tv for all to see. We go to church and talk about grace and mercy yet we go home and slam those we call our friends and church family. Romans 12:2 tells us that we are to be transformed by the renewing of our mind yet there's a battle for our mind going on and so many times we let stuff in that clutters it. God made me so aware this morning by my earphone problem how diligent I have to be and focused when it comes to my mind. I have to be careful what I listen to and watch and how easily Satan can get in if we just have one of our ears tuned to him. We are not called to be lukewarm. We are called to be totally hot for Him and we can only do that with His help being very careful what we watch, listen to, and who we listen to.