As I write we are headed back home to help our newlywed kids get moved into their apartment. Eddie and I had decided that even if we only had a few days, it would be worth it to get away to our happy place...

Yes this it it. Sneeking in a few days to do nothing is hard to do but worth it. Last weekend was Stephen and Kaylin's wedding...

And John's senior baseball season starts this week...

Don't even get me started there. So we decided to sandwich a quick getaway between the two. So with a full, busy, full of commitments fall, the Christmas season, a family wedding and baseball season approaching, we headed to the beach for "us" time. We relaxed, ate at our fave restaurants, relaxed, shopped, relaxed, drank coffee, and relaxed. I can get used to all of that quickly and get very lazy. I love that we still love going off just the two of us. I love that we love the same places and the way to relax looks pretty much the same to us both. My happy place is the beach, although I do prefer it about 30 degrees warmer than it was this trip, but actually my happy place is with Eddie wherever that is. Getaways are fun and needed but coming home is fine with me too. We've checked off a lot of things over the past months and there will be a new "to do" list waiting, but it's all good. I can't be lazy forever...

A rainy beach one day turns quickly
And thankfully Starbucks is pretty much everywhere.
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