Monday, October 6, 2014

Monday Morning Perspective

Powerful message yesterday by my husband on temptation! We looked at verses 13-15 in James chapter 1. Eddie pointed out how, being a people who love to pass the buck and blame others, we do that with our sin instead of taking responsibility. However, it's our own evil desires that lead us astray. 
I love how Eddie pointed out that enticed means to bait a hook and the purpose of the bait is to appeal to our appetite and to hide the hook. Satan knows what tempts us. He studies us. and as he pointed out, for some of us, any old worm will do but for others he has to be more sophisticated. We must learn to see the hook behind the bait. We must learn to see the consequences to our choices and the direction that sin will lead us. Learn to look past the bait!! 
Eddie encouraged us by sharing some of his own story and showing us how we can overcome temptation. Every time we overcome we gain one on the devil. We become stronger. We learn when we fail too but too often there are consequences that we must pay for a very long time. 
Great word! Great day in His house with His people! Now it's Monday and time to be the church wherever He has planted us for this season. 

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