Monday, March 31, 2014

Monday Morning Perspective

I've asked my oldest daughter to write my Monday morning perspective blog this morning. Her sweet husband graciously agreed to fill in for my man yesterday since we were away and his staff member who normally fills in was away as well. We got amazing feedback on the service so I didn't want to miss the opportunity to share. Thank you Chrissie Hux for now being my fill in! Enjoy my friends!!!
Good morning afternoon, Fairview! We had so much fun worshipping with you yesterday and being able to put some of your faces to a name that we've heard so much about! We really appreciate all of the love that you've poured out over my parents in the last year! I know that you've been blessed by them as well as them being blessed by all of you!

Yesterday morning, aside from learning that you probably never want to live in Florida, my husband was able to break down Luke 8: 22-27a in a way that was able to reach an 8-year old boy, a non-believer, and someone that has been walking with the Lord for the majority of their life. I love that about my husband and I love that about God's word. We were encouraged that through stormy situations, God tends to do His greatest transformations in our lives! I think the majority of us (myself included) don't seek God as earnestly when the sun's shining as we do when a storm hits our life.

Throughout this story in Luke, we learn many things that can be applicable to our lives today. We see that it was Jesus' idea to get in the boat and head into the storm. No storm in your life takes God by surprise. Though we may be worried, God's not. When we understand that God's with us, we don't care what or who comes against us! The disciples seemed annoyed that Jesus was sleeping while they were fighting this storm. Sometimes we feel as though Jesus is asleep during the storms of our own lives. Be encouraged that just because He's sometimes silent it doesn't mean He's absent

I'm always reminded through this story, and many others in the bible, that God does care about our every need. If we can trust Him with our eternity, can we not trust Him in the smaller areas of our lives? Although it's harder to trust Jesus if we don't know Him. With our world today, it's hard to trust those we don't know. The same goes with our relationship with Jesus. Why should we trust Him if we don't know Him? My husband challenged us as individuals as well as a body of Christ to have a bigger faith. The disciples didn't need a bigger boat, they needed a bigger faith. I'd love to see what would happen if the people of Christ had a bigger faith!

I hope you were encouraged to "Keep Calm" yesterday and realize that storms are temporary but our God is eternal. Storms come and go, not lasting forever. Luke 8: 27 says that Jesus stepped ashore. As a follower of Christ, you will make it to the other side. Keep Calm!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Monday Morning Perspective

I'm sitting here this Monday morn totally full and overwhelmed at God's goodness. If He never offers another blessing, He's done more for me than I could ever express enough gratitude for!! It's so true, you really cannot outgive God!! I'm so thankful for my family, parents who passed on a godly heritage, children who love and serve Jesus and two have married those who equally love Him! Thankful for a husband who has led and continues to lead our family well and loves us as Christ truly loves His church. I'm so thankful for all the people God has brought into our lives to minister to and receive ministry from, to serve alongside and lead. Just plain thankful for the journey and as I told someone a few days ago terribly thankful that at 49 the journey of the past few years has been the best ever. Just tells me that it is true that serving Him gets better n better, sweeter and sweeter!!
Ok on to yesterday!! It was a fabulous day at fairview. We got to meet so many visitors who shared their story of coming to visit with us. God continues to show us that He is going to continue to bring the people to fairview to do the work that He's called us to do. He is so faithful!!
Our message from Nehemiah was such a challenge. There were so many quotes from the message so I thought this Monday I would just list some of my fave quotes my husband said. Here goes...
Nehemiah never let problems or possibilities get in the way of his priority and that priority was prayer. 
He was a leader from the knees up. 
Our private life dictates our public life 
We can pray quick prayers at times but have the devotional life to back it up. 
Leaders don't pass blame. They accept responsibility. (Have to say I think this is what makes my husband a great leader. He's willing to take blame). 
Losers are excusers and accusers. 
Higher your view of self, the less compassion you'll have on others. 
We preach repentance to unbelievers but we don't practice it as believers and that's the epitome if hypocracy. 
Sin scatters God gathers. 
Thankful for a man who preaches the Word without apology!!!! 
I know it was a rainy day but for me it was near perfect. It rained out John's game which I hate but the blessing was he got to come over for church and he and Angie spent the day (actually Til about 11pm) with us! We got Jessica and Justin as well for a rare afternoon and night (again Til 11pm). My parents got to come to church with us and have lunch. We missed Michael and Chrissie and Brooklynn but got to face time. We sure missed Stephen but we all watched his game online so he was kinda sorta here. God is good ALL the time!!

Shoutout to my Stephen
Last Monday Eddie was scrolling through twitter and all of a sudden he handed me his phone and said "look at this". It was an article tweeted by a head administrator at Charleston Southern about our boy, his journey to CSU and his call to serve as campus mobilizer in Atlanta for NAMB this summer. Yep that's how we found out about the article and that sums up Stephen, low key, not about to brag on himself, just walking in quiet humility. He has spent countless hours praying over this summer and getting his team together to serve. He's so excited and we share that excitement with him. I can't think of anyone better to do this. He has the most compassionate heart and such a huge desire to see people turn to Jesus. He loves in a big way with a passion for Christ to match. We are expecting God to do some huge things this summer in Atlanta and all over the country as teams are sent out to share the gospel and love on people where they are. We can't wait to hear the stories that will come out of Atlanta. The future is so exciting not only for this summer but as Stephen graduates and moves into full time ministry. We look with expectancy to what that may be and who God brings in his life to journey and serve with him. 
This generation is serious about their walk with Christ. They are fearless and passionate. Can I encourage you to pray and speak words of life and encouragement into them? There's enough people who want to bash them and criticize. There's always people finding fault and expecting them to fail. When I hear that all I can think of is "well who raised them?". Give them some shoutouts of praise and love on them. They're going to do amazing things for the sake of the gospel!!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Monday Morning Perspective

Yesterday we started this new series and I can't tell you how excited I am! Like Eddie said, he's preached through Nehemiah before but in terms of a building program. This time it will be a building program about people. I know God has readied us for this series and He is going to do amazing things through it as he builds us, His people. 
A few weeks ago as I traveled one Sunday morning to Charleston, the focus of my prayer was that God would place a huge burden on us for people. That He would impress it so strongly on us that we couldn't possibly escape it. I prayed that we would love those God brings our way no matter how different they are from us or what their station in life is. I prayed that we would have a huge burden for our city and that we would claim it for Christ. I also prayed that He would make us desperate for Him and all that he wants to do in us and through us. He wants so much more for us than we can even imagine and I believe that this series is going to enlighten us to that. 
A few thoughts from yesterday...
This series will help us in our business, small group, athletic teams and our individual lives. 
There are 3 types of people: those who destroy what's being built, those who aren't as mean but just get in the way of what's being built and those who build. I know I want to be a builder and I'm praying God raises up many of those. 
We looked at 1:4 and saw the response of Nehemiah. He wept, mourned, fasted and prayed. God gave him a burden for a people and a city 1000 miles away. 
A great challenge by Eddie to remember the last time we reacted like this for the lost, those we know and don't know. We are all called to minister where God has placed us. He challenged us to check our own walls. Is there a crack somewhere? God wants to fill it with His presence. Are your walls completely broken down and your life in a mess? God can rebuild it but we have to want it and be willing to do the work. 
This is going to be a challenging and encouraging series. We are going to see how much God loves us and how faithful He is. I hope you have people in mind to invite so that they can experience this. Let's not keep it to ourselves. We must be faithful. God has placed us all over the upstate and brings us in touch with people every day for His purpose. May we see them the way God sees them, with hearts full of love and compassion. We probably all could do some weeping and fasting over people we know who are desperate for God. Will we be faithful in the ministries He's given us? Can't wait for next Sunday!!