Monday, July 30, 2012

And the baby is off to college

Just looking at you, noone would guess that you're the baby of the family. You are neck in neck with your brother for the biggest one in the house but under this roof you are and always will be the baby. That's not that bad a place to be.  Your sibs would say you got by with more than they did.  They would probably say you're the most spoiled because we were all looking after you.  The flip side is you had 3 moms telling you what to do and how to do and giving you advice on who to date and who "you will absolutely not date".  You were the only one left at home for the past 2 years which dad and I loved and enjoyed but you no doubt felt smothered at times.  Yep, I guess you are ready to head out on your own and whether we are ready or not, the time has definitely come for that.  But before you do, I'm your mom so I get to be sappy and cheesy and since it's my blog I get to write it all out. So...
I really think you know this, but we are super crazy about you!!  You are an absolute delight to chill with, talk to, shop with, play with, and on and on and on.  You make me laugh hysterically, make me pull my hair out often and blow me away with your sweet gentleness. Even though you were covered up in prayer from the moment we knew you were a reality, we are still blown away by who you are at your young age.  Your faith and your testimony of God's love and grace is evidence that you spend time with Him, trust Him, and truly walk with Him.  College life will bring a new set of challenges and opportunities.  God will bring people into your life for you to make an impact on and be a witness for Him and He will bring others who will be dear to you for years to come because of their influence on you.  You've always chosen friends so well, you will need to do that in college.  Seek those who are also walking closely with Him so the stumbles along the way will be few and not life altering.  Satan seeks those to destroy and he is very active on college campuses but you serve a God who is so much greater than him and who has a plan and a purpose for your life.  He's giving you the opportunity to play the sport you love in college.  Everyone doesn't get that opportunity so don't take it for granted.  Let it be a tool that God uses for His glory and He will use you in a mighty way in this culture that makes athletes godlike.  You get the chance to show them who the true God is with a sports platform.  Remember the Rebekah what's asked and then some!!!  Christians should be the hardest working, most dedicated, even the most competitive in a good way type of people.
Remember how much your family loves you and how proud of you we are!!  Stay away from the cleat chasers and don't miss class unless you are sick!!  Be everywhere on time and tidy up your room.  Don't eat your roomies snacks and don't forget your prayers every night, every morning, and all day long!!  You are headed to SMC to be a one in the right way.  Pioneers blaze the trail for others to follow so blaze it for Christ!!!  I love you!!  Did I already say that? Ok, I love you!!!!!  See you soon in that Pioneer blue.  In that way, I'm as excited as you ;)

Monday, July 23, 2012

25??? My firstborn??? No way!!!

This Thursday, July 26th, will mark a huge milestone.  25 years ago this coming Thursday, God sent this baby girl into our lives and from that day forward life changed, for the better of course.  I'm still amazed at how an 8lb15oz bundle of baby could totally take over your life and grip your heart so hard that you would be forever changed but that's exactly what happened.  After 26 hours of labor, she decided she was ready to make her appearance early that Sunday morning. Somehow we knew then that she was going to be a force to be reckoned with.  My strongest willed child of all and that strong will has served her so well as I've told her many times.  One of my sweetest and dearest friends and mentors told us one day when she was about 7 years old, "if you get her on the right path with that determined will of hers, she will be unstoppable...BUT if she gets on the wrong path, it could be very bad especially through the teen years."  That day changed my prayer life in a radical way.  That sweet strong-willed baby grew into the sweetest strong-willed 25 year old who makes her mom and dad proud every single day.  She has stood firm in her godly convictions in a graceful and loving way and God has blessed her life with a godly man and a ministry with students far beyond what I'm sure she ever thought possible.

Chrissie, your Dad and I love you and are so thankful for you.  You are a perfect picture of God's grace to us and His amazing work in a young woman's life who is determined to do life His way.  As much as I miss those little ponytails and Saturday night mani/pedis in the den and pushing you on the swings and praying over your sweet head every night, I wouldn't go backwards.  I would miss my 25 year old best girlfriend way too much.  Happy 25th Birthday a few days early punkin!!!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Monday Morning Perspective

We have had three weeks now of our series on Praying like Jesus.  Haven't posted on it because my mondays have been terribly busy and the closer we get to our college kids headed back the less I will spend time at this computer...a blog on that to come when I get myself together enough.
Anyway, some highlights at least for me throughout this series...
...prayer is speaking to God the Father through God the Son by the power of the Holy Spirit receive we must believe a child of God we don't have to pray, we get to pray often we pray as if we need to inform God as to what is going on
...we need to walk with Him in the calmness before we cry out in the crisis
...key to praying like Jesus, Your will not mine
...if we don't pray for His will, then it's carnal praying
...praying should be us trying to align our will with God's will
...Jesus won the battle on the cross in the Garden
All of this has been great but if we don't apply it to our lives and our prayer life it can't help us.  Praying God will continue to transform my prayer life and it will be more focused on His will for my life rather than my will and what I think is best.  Have a magnificent monday!!