I cannot imagine how anyone left the service yesterday without having been overwhelmed by the presence of the Lord all over themselves. Incredible is not a good enough word to describe the music. Soloists were fabulous and the choir was unbelieveable. So great seeing so many packed into the choir loft. Thank you to all of you for your commitment and faithfulness. Awesome hearing you all sing, but also being able to watch you worship!! It was one of those goosebump, hair standing on my arms, want to jump up and shout before my insides burst asunder kind of services. I'm determined no rock is going to cry out on my behalf, I hope you are too.
I meant it when I told Eddie he ought to nail the message after the worship time but I had no worries. He nails it every time! As we continued looking at spiritual warfare, we were reminded that our enemies are not our brothers and sisters in Christ. The battle is in the spiritual realm and Satan is working every angle to destroy lives, homes, and relationships. We don't have to be unbelievers for Satan to use us as people often think. Satan can use believers to wreck havoc and cause confusion and problems. We need to constantly keep that in mind and make sure we are not allowing him to do that in our own life.
I love how Eddie took the armour piece by piece describing how a real soldier used it and then what it means in our Christian walk. I love how the belt of truth is first. How necessary the truth is in life...knowing it, believing it, speaking it and living it. Then I love how it all ends with the Sword of the Spirit. It's so much more than a book. It is God's living, active Word to us. It's interesting that it's the only offensive weapon in this list. Maybe because it's the only thing that really can defeat the Enemy. We can't do it on our own or in our own strength. We need the power of Christ in us to defeat him and there is power in His Word.
How interesting that we ended with the challenge that there is nothing in this list that covers our back. We are not called to run or retreat. We are called to be on the move, moving ahead in His might to further His kingdom. Not cowering to criticism, fear, hateful and selfish people, not trivial matters or those who are not kingdom-minded. We keep pushing ahead. Sharing the gospel with the lost, encouraging the weak, growing and maturing in our faith. This is a great reminder for me on days when I'd rather pull the covers over my head or stay in the bubble of my home and hide from the world. God never calls us to do that!!
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