Monday, March 14, 2011

Monday Morning Perspective

On this Monday morning I am still so pumped about yesterday.  What an incredible crowd we had in worship!  The choir had a great crowd and led powerfully in worship.  I must say I was a bit shocked because of the time change.  Losing that hour is always tough but so glad to see that our Millbrook family didn't let a little thing like lack of sleep stand in their way of getting to worship.
We started a 3 part series on spiritual warfare...God's timing is perfect ALWAYS!  If ever we need this message, it is now.  Like Eddie said, way too many Christian soldiers are asleep in the barracks and many are getting beaten up.  Jesus has won the war but most of us have battles we have to fight every day so let's take on the challenge and make Satan fearful as soon as our eyes open and our feet hit the floor every morning. We are caught up in this war whether we like it or not and we need to be prepared and ready for the fight.  Knowing our enemy and how he works and realizing how he attacks and his strategy is powerful.  
Be strong in the Lord.  Don't try to fight the Enemy alone, he is way too powerful for us.  And may we all realize who the Enemy is and it is NOT one another!  
Are you a soldier in God's army? Have you enlisted? That's the first step. Can't wait for next week.

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