I absolutely loved the message yesterday as we continued through the book of Ephesians. What a clear picture of what Christ has done for us and where we would be without Him. I've heard so many people say that even if there were no heaven, the Christian life would still be the best life to live. I so agree with that yet very thankful there is a heaven. I'm so grateful that He did save us to serve and He has empowered us to live for Him. Living for this world's system will never pay off and realizing that Satan is very real and very much out to destroy us while at the same time recognizing how much God loves us and lavishes His grace, mercy, and love on us should drive us to Him. This message definitely made me want to be more intentional on sharing my faith and see others come to Christ not only to save them from going to hell but also to experience His love, grace, and mercy. I know we all know people who are lost and need us to reach out to them with the gospel.
A word about our 6pm service...awesome. A great sermon from 2Corinthians and a super crowd. So thankful that so many are making sunday night bible study and worship a priority. There's nothing like giving that entire day to the Lord to worship and fellowship with other believers. I for one certainly need it!!!
I am equally grateful for being able to attend both morning services yesterday, something I hope to do a lot more of. They are very different services but I love them both. The choir is incredible at 9am and love the praise and worship at 11:11 and getting the message twice is a bonus! Lately I have felt like I'm about to pop with all the excitement of what is going on at Millbrook. God is so busy in our midst and we should be so grateful. So much is getting ready to happen that I just know things could explode with God's goodness. Just a reminder to all of us...Satan will not be happy so he will get busy as well. Let's not be the one he uses to hurt the cause. Don't give the time of day to those who just want to be negative and spread discouragement. Put on the full armour of God and be a part of what God is doing. We want to be on His side, not the enemy's side. Love you all and blessed to serve.
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