Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A little bit of wierdness

Had a different kind of experience recently.  I guess it could possibly be the 1st of more to come but I kinda hope not.
Stephen is now playing college baseball at SMC and John has spent the fall playing for a travel team and wouldn't you know it, John's travel team went to SMC to play for a weekend.  Just so happens, or I believe some coaches conniving, their teams played each other.  What makes it a little strange is that John's team isn't a college team so didn't really expect this to happen at this point in time.  Here's the other kicker...John started for his team, Stephen started for his.  Ok, this could not have been anything but coaches conniving together because God loves me too much to do that to me and I don't believe in fate or chance but I do believe that people connive, funny to them not so much to me.
It's really hard to describe that feeling.  There was definitely a sense of being proud of them.  They both have worked hard and are very capable.  They both love the competition even with each other.  They were fine with it so why wasn't I???  It just seemed like everything in the universe was messed up for those moments.  There was also that sense of wierdness.  They've played together and they've played on different teams before but never on opposing teams, didn't like it at all and don't think I ever will.  I had my Cardinal shirt on for John and my SMC hat on for Stephen.  No, I didn't match but at least I represented both.  I was praying for both of them to leave the game 0 to 0, didn't happen.  It was 1-1 so that works too.  Stats were fairly similar and that's really all this mom cared about.  Didn't care who won the game, another wierd feeling because I have to admit a lot of their competition and love for winning comes from me as well as their dad...none of the Leopards like to lose.
The one highlight...before the game you could look down into the bullpen and they were warming up next to each other.  Side by side, doing what they've been doing since they were about 9 yet this time one was in red the other in blue.  It would've been so easy to give in to those tears dying to pour down my face but for the sake of embarrassing my boys and my girls sitting there by me, I didn't.  We do have some pics of that and when I get them off of my girls' cameras I will post them cause they really are pretty cool.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday Morning Perspective

I absolutely loved the message yesterday as we continued through the book of Ephesians.  What a clear picture of what Christ has done for us and where we would be without Him.  I've heard so many people say that even if there were no heaven, the Christian life would still be the best life to live.  I so agree with that yet very thankful there is a heaven.  I'm so grateful that He did save us to serve and He has empowered us to live for Him.  Living for this world's system will never pay off and realizing that Satan is very real and very much out to destroy us while at the same time recognizing how much God loves us and lavishes His grace, mercy, and love on us should drive us to Him.  This message definitely made me want to be more intentional on sharing my faith and see others come to Christ not only to save them from going to hell but also to experience His love, grace, and mercy.  I know we all know people who are lost and need us to reach out to them with the gospel.
A word about our 6pm service...awesome.  A great sermon from 2Corinthians and a super crowd.  So thankful that so many are making sunday night bible study and worship a priority.  There's nothing like giving that entire day to the Lord to worship and fellowship with other believers.  I for one certainly need it!!!
I am equally grateful for being able to attend both morning services yesterday, something I hope to do a lot more of.  They are very different services but I love them both.  The choir is incredible at 9am and love the praise and worship at 11:11 and getting the message twice is a bonus!  Lately I have felt like I'm about to pop with all the excitement of what is going on at Millbrook.  God is so busy in our midst and we should be so grateful.  So much is getting ready to happen that I just know things could explode with God's goodness.  Just a reminder to all of us...Satan will not be happy so he will get busy as well.  Let's not be the one he uses to hurt the cause.  Don't give the time of day to those who just want to be negative and spread discouragement.  Put on the full armour of God and be a part of what God is doing.  We want to be on His side, not the enemy's side.  Love you all and blessed to serve.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Study Kickoffs, up next College Girl Time

I know I didn't do MMP yesterday but it was a holiday and family was home and the last thing I wanted to do was get on the computer.  Needless to say, the message was awesome!!  Eddie and I are so excited about what God is going to teach us through Ephesians!!
We have kicked off our Women in Ministry Refresh bible studies.  I always love to know that our women are growing deep in the Word through the studies we offer.  Thursdays with Beth Moore is a great opportunity to study Revelation either 9am or 7pm.  Lori Sefton will be doing a study on Wed morning that I am equally excited about. 
Like last year our college girls will begin their study next monday night.  Last summer requests were made by the girls to have a study for themselves.  At their age they didn't want to attend the studies we had in place for women, so women's ministry started Girl Time for their age.  We wanted them to have a study just for themselves that they could share with their peers and see how God spoke to them through His Word at the place in life that they are now.  Their issues are different from those of us who are married and have children perhaps grandchildren and the fact that they were asking for this was an incredible witness.  Of course the last thing Satan wants is to have the young ones in God's Word but he didn't have the final say, praise God.  They studied Beth Moore's Revelation and grew a ton through that study.  Pray for them as they get started with Beth Moore's Inheritance study.  Vickie and I will again be leading them.  Vickie does a great job relating to them and mentoring them.  We have lots of exciting new things planned for that age group through our Refresh ministry that I can hardly wait.  Encourage any college age girls you may know to come join us.  We pile up all over the couches and floors and just love being together in the Word.
Have a super inspired God blessed Tuesday!!  Love to all.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Happy Anniversay Baby, you are always on my mind

26 years and counting.  September 1st 26 years ago I married the man I know God Himself chose for me.  A true man of noble character and much integrity.  It has been the adventure of a lifetime from day one.  I cannot imagine what my life would look like had you not stormed into it.  It seems like just yesterday I was the human football tee out on the field with you.  We blinked and now have a married daughter, who praise God married a man with the intergrity of her father, 2 college kids who are a delight in every way, and more thankful than ever that God decided that 3 was just not complete for us so we still have that one at home.  I am also more thankful than ever that your passion for following Christ is still raging and your kids caught it from you and that your fire for ministry is blazing as strong as ever.  You have led us all so well and your children are blessed for it.  I am most definitely the most blessed woman on earth.  God has given me eyes and a heart only for you and it is a joy to walk this way with you.  I have never been more proud or more joy-filled to serve Him alongside of you.  Only bringing up 4 precious ones together ranks above doing ministry with you.  It has been a blast to say the least.  God has blessed us in ways unimaginable to me 26 years ago.  It is true...He really does do immeasureably more than we could ever ask or imagine.  Glory to Him alone for these past 26 years.  I love you!!