Actually, it's monday afternoon but been enjoying myself way too much to stop and get on the computer.
Yesterday we continued the series on suffering. It was awesome. Eddie preached with boldness and heart. It was truly convicting to think about the things I have withheld from His Lordship and the times I have acted as though I have a Savior but I make myself Lord. It's not my heart's desire to do that but so many times I act as though it is. It has to be our daily almost hourly focus to surrender lordship to Christ. It's not about our making Him Lord because He Is Lord but our acknowledgement of that and surrendering to it.
So today is day one of our time away for our 25th anniversary. The church gave us a trip but we still have to plan that one. Eddie had already planned this one to Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge since this is one of the places we honeymooned. We drove up last night to this cabin that some friends are letting us enjoy. It was dark and we couldn't tell much about the area last night but this morning in the light it was all beautiful. It sits on this mountain with a glorious view. I thought about the fact that so many times we wander around in the dark not realizing how beautiful things around us are until we let the true light of Christ shine and we refuse to live in the darkness any more. Oh well, no more preachy. Just suffice it to say that we are in adorable cabin with a spectacular view and I am with my man whom I love more all the time (more tomorrow on our actual anniversary date).
We started the day at the Apple Barn for lunch, delicious!! We drove down to Gatlinburg and walked around the village, gotta love that place. Ended up at some outlet stores and now talking about what's for dinner, probably a great place called Old Mill (I think). Can't wait for tomorrow, our 25th wedding anniversary. What a great place I'm in at this point in my life both physically (mountain cabin) and relationally with my hubby. Love you all. Have a blessed day.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Birthday Boy
Today is my honey's 50th birthday so I just have to give a shout-out to him. I'll blog more on him on Sept. 1st our anniversary but just had to say a few things, ok 50 things.
50 remembrances, reasons I love you, things about get the picture:
1. stayed with me 1/2 your life
2. you're gorgeous
3. your eyes still make me melt
4. you haven't lost your hair
5. you're my spiritual leader
6. you put up with my moods
7. you don't yell at me, much
8. you drive me nuts when I drive you in the car
9. you let me stay home and raise my kids, forever grateful
10. you are 5 decades young
11. still hot
12. wouldn't want anyone else for my pastor
13. I get to sleep with my pastor LOL
14. you listen or at least act like it when I give my opinion(s)
15. remember when I held the football (for hours) while you practiced kicking it
16. you never kicked my hand or arm or fingers
17. you are my favorite preacher
18. you always looked good in a baseball or football uniform would still look good
20. you eat my cooking and don't complain
21. you take us out and don't complain
22. you are neater than you used to be
23. you kept your promise to do all the yard work
24. remember Yesterdays?
25. I fell in love with your laugh, still am
26. life is fun with you
27. you are a great Dad
28. an awesome husband
29. you are lots of fun on vacation
30. remember our 1st cruise?
31. remember all the cruises?
32.remember the prom?
33. remember our first church, oh my.
34. you're a good driver, but I'm better
35. loved watching you play ball
36. love watching your kids play
37. I remember being glared at by your exes and their family
38. I remember your exes being everywhere
39. life has been a blast with you
40. Garden City will always be my favorite place with you
41. and Gatlinburg
42. you love Jesus
43. we led our kids to Jesus together
44. you are my partner in every way
45. you let me move furniture around, alone
46. you are the best decision I made after deciding to follow Christ
47. your parents have every reason to be proud
48. you have made your testimony work for you
49. you took the sports platform and gave it to Christ
50. you are the love of my life now and forever
50 remembrances, reasons I love you, things about get the picture:
1. stayed with me 1/2 your life
2. you're gorgeous
3. your eyes still make me melt
4. you haven't lost your hair
5. you're my spiritual leader
6. you put up with my moods
7. you don't yell at me, much
8. you drive me nuts when I drive you in the car
9. you let me stay home and raise my kids, forever grateful
10. you are 5 decades young
11. still hot
12. wouldn't want anyone else for my pastor
13. I get to sleep with my pastor LOL
14. you listen or at least act like it when I give my opinion(s)
15. remember when I held the football (for hours) while you practiced kicking it
16. you never kicked my hand or arm or fingers
17. you are my favorite preacher
18. you always looked good in a baseball or football uniform would still look good
20. you eat my cooking and don't complain
21. you take us out and don't complain
22. you are neater than you used to be
23. you kept your promise to do all the yard work
24. remember Yesterdays?
25. I fell in love with your laugh, still am
26. life is fun with you
27. you are a great Dad
28. an awesome husband
29. you are lots of fun on vacation
30. remember our 1st cruise?
31. remember all the cruises?
32.remember the prom?
33. remember our first church, oh my.
34. you're a good driver, but I'm better
35. loved watching you play ball
36. love watching your kids play
37. I remember being glared at by your exes and their family
38. I remember your exes being everywhere
39. life has been a blast with you
40. Garden City will always be my favorite place with you
41. and Gatlinburg
42. you love Jesus
43. we led our kids to Jesus together
44. you are my partner in every way
45. you let me move furniture around, alone
46. you are the best decision I made after deciding to follow Christ
47. your parents have every reason to be proud
48. you have made your testimony work for you
49. you took the sports platform and gave it to Christ
50. you are the love of my life now and forever
Monday, August 24, 2009
Monday Morning Perspective
I don't even know where to start, so I'll just start.
Last week I didn't blog because it would just be depressing. See the first week of school is the most depressing time of my whole year other than when they go back after the holidays. We moved Chrissie back to Anderson last weekend came home Sunday night and the others started school on Monday. My mood was gloomy and I knew everything I would write would be gloomy so I just decided to spare you all and keep all the gloom to myself. But then then the weekend came...God is soooo good. What a weekend.
We had the entire staff including staff wives and staff kids over for a cookout and swim on Saturday. We had our new minister of music (yay) and his family over so everyone could just enjoy themselves and get to know one another. I had the best time!!! God has blessed way more than we deserve. Then Sunday...what an awesome service. Did not plan on it being a squaller, really needed fresh makeup. Bill Howard (new min of music) shared his testimony and sang and the Holy Spirit just had His way. It was overwhelming. Millbrook is in for such a treat as this family comes to join us. I don't know if you have ever met anyone and felt like you had known them forever but that's how Eddie and I felt the first time we sat down to share with them. I know it's just God's Spirit in them recognizing God's Spirit in us, just a God thing. They have 4 of the finest kids we've ever been around, true evidence of godly raising. I'm so excited I feel like I'm going to bust out of my skin. They are the real deal, genuine if I've ever met genuine. Love them all to death.
As for the sermon, WOW!! I needed that so much. Eddie preached on sharing our faith. I've heard a lot of sermons on that lately, God knows I must really need it. He talked about sharing OUR faith and not letting the fear of not having all the answers deter us. I'm so glad he pointed out the importance of living it out and not just talking a good game. Our words mean nothing if our lifestyle cannot back it up. I loved the illustration of the closer in baseball coming in to save the game and blowing it. I have my own blown saves as God has given me opportunities to share and for many different reasons I haven't done it. So glad I serve a God who redeems and sustains, forgives and continues to give us more opportunities. He is definitely a risk taking God when He entrusts things to me. I am so grateful and owe Him more than I could ever repay, praise Him that I don't have to.
THEN... Sunday night came. The deacons and church gave Eddie a 50th birthday party. They presented us with a trip of our choosing since it's also our 25th anniversary soon. Eddie has been with me half of his life, oh my. We had so much fun. What a gracious church family we have. Thank you so much Millbrook for such a special time and for all of the gifts bestowed on Eddie for his birthday. He's most deserving in my opinion. As Harry Harmon talked about our time here and how our children have grown up here, I was just undone. I thought what a blessing it really is to raise my kids for so long with the same church family who has prayed over them and loved them and watched them grow. His compliments to Eddie for spending time with them and not allowing ministry to interfere with his calling as a Dad were right on the head. Thank you again Millbrook for seeing that as his first calling and always encouraging that family time. Our kids are who they are in part because you have been church to them and they have grown up loving the church instead of feeling like they had to compete with it for their Dad like so many do. You truly are our family and we love you.
Ok, that has to be it for now. I know you are tired of reading and I have to save some for later. God's blessings to you and remember to take those opportunities God gives us to share OUR faith.
Last week I didn't blog because it would just be depressing. See the first week of school is the most depressing time of my whole year other than when they go back after the holidays. We moved Chrissie back to Anderson last weekend came home Sunday night and the others started school on Monday. My mood was gloomy and I knew everything I would write would be gloomy so I just decided to spare you all and keep all the gloom to myself. But then then the weekend came...God is soooo good. What a weekend.
We had the entire staff including staff wives and staff kids over for a cookout and swim on Saturday. We had our new minister of music (yay) and his family over so everyone could just enjoy themselves and get to know one another. I had the best time!!! God has blessed way more than we deserve. Then Sunday...what an awesome service. Did not plan on it being a squaller, really needed fresh makeup. Bill Howard (new min of music) shared his testimony and sang and the Holy Spirit just had His way. It was overwhelming. Millbrook is in for such a treat as this family comes to join us. I don't know if you have ever met anyone and felt like you had known them forever but that's how Eddie and I felt the first time we sat down to share with them. I know it's just God's Spirit in them recognizing God's Spirit in us, just a God thing. They have 4 of the finest kids we've ever been around, true evidence of godly raising. I'm so excited I feel like I'm going to bust out of my skin. They are the real deal, genuine if I've ever met genuine. Love them all to death.
As for the sermon, WOW!! I needed that so much. Eddie preached on sharing our faith. I've heard a lot of sermons on that lately, God knows I must really need it. He talked about sharing OUR faith and not letting the fear of not having all the answers deter us. I'm so glad he pointed out the importance of living it out and not just talking a good game. Our words mean nothing if our lifestyle cannot back it up. I loved the illustration of the closer in baseball coming in to save the game and blowing it. I have my own blown saves as God has given me opportunities to share and for many different reasons I haven't done it. So glad I serve a God who redeems and sustains, forgives and continues to give us more opportunities. He is definitely a risk taking God when He entrusts things to me. I am so grateful and owe Him more than I could ever repay, praise Him that I don't have to.
THEN... Sunday night came. The deacons and church gave Eddie a 50th birthday party. They presented us with a trip of our choosing since it's also our 25th anniversary soon. Eddie has been with me half of his life, oh my. We had so much fun. What a gracious church family we have. Thank you so much Millbrook for such a special time and for all of the gifts bestowed on Eddie for his birthday. He's most deserving in my opinion. As Harry Harmon talked about our time here and how our children have grown up here, I was just undone. I thought what a blessing it really is to raise my kids for so long with the same church family who has prayed over them and loved them and watched them grow. His compliments to Eddie for spending time with them and not allowing ministry to interfere with his calling as a Dad were right on the head. Thank you again Millbrook for seeing that as his first calling and always encouraging that family time. Our kids are who they are in part because you have been church to them and they have grown up loving the church instead of feeling like they had to compete with it for their Dad like so many do. You truly are our family and we love you.
Ok, that has to be it for now. I know you are tired of reading and I have to save some for later. God's blessings to you and remember to take those opportunities God gives us to share OUR faith.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Happy Birthday, Jessica

Well, this birthday greeting is a day late because we spent your birthday planning and celebrating your surprise party. You need to know you have a great big sister and a great friend in Michael Hux who came up with this idea and worked so hard to pull it off. They wanted something very special for you and I think you got it. The party was a blast. You have some great friends.
19!!! OH MY GOODNESS. Where has the time gone?! You have grown up to be a beautiful young lady but my it seems like it happened overnight. You have been the biggest hoot most of the time. Your infectious laugh with dimples on the side, your sweet smile and even sweeter heart, your love for the underdog and loner shows the heap of compassion you have. I am so proud to call you my daughter, my friend. You are so precious in every way.
God has some big plans ahead for you. Don't ever sell yourself short or settle because He can do great and mighty things with someone who is sold out to Him. I am amazed at Christ in you and your willingness to serve Him in unselfish ways. Living a selfish, me-centered, the world-revolves-around-me life is BORING. Continue to pour it all out for Him and you will have a great adventure ahead of you.
Happy Birthday! I love you soooo.
19!!! OH MY GOODNESS. Where has the time gone?! You have grown up to be a beautiful young lady but my it seems like it happened overnight. You have been the biggest hoot most of the time. Your infectious laugh with dimples on the side, your sweet smile and even sweeter heart, your love for the underdog and loner shows the heap of compassion you have. I am so proud to call you my daughter, my friend. You are so precious in every way.
God has some big plans ahead for you. Don't ever sell yourself short or settle because He can do great and mighty things with someone who is sold out to Him. I am amazed at Christ in you and your willingness to serve Him in unselfish ways. Living a selfish, me-centered, the world-revolves-around-me life is BORING. Continue to pour it all out for Him and you will have a great adventure ahead of you.
Happy Birthday! I love you soooo.
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