Warning...may contain much sarcasm and appear to be the voice of a very aggravated person yet with at least some justified anger.
Don't you just love having to deal with people who have a god-like syndrome when it comes to how they view themselves? The occassional person you run into at the checkout counter or in the restaurant is one thing, but when that person is closely intertwined in much of your life and the lives of your children it rises to another level, that level that makes you want to put your hands on someone or at least give them a good tongue lashing letting them know they're not quite as important as they think they are. It's someone who thinks that they can control your life and what comes into play for you. Those are the people who don't realize and think on the level of fellow Christians who know that nothing comes to pass in our lives without passing by His throne. He alone is the one who puts us where we are to be, brings people and things and circumstances in our lives that are to be there. These self-ordained God wannabes think they really do have power over you and they use it to try and influence your choices and decisions and God forbid if it's not the choice they want you to make, especially if your choice means choosing a God thing over their thing.
One problem with these people is they don't have a good sense of reality. They don't see things the way most do. Their view seems skewed and they tend to sense things that are way off base.
Another problem with them is they tend to think all the good goes to their credit and the bad is because of others. They don't have a proper view of themselves or the situation.
I wish I could say that I've risen past this kind of thing bothering me, but that would be a lie. Sure some days it just seems to roll off my back and then there are days like today when you've just had enough of self-righteous, self-important people that just seem miserable and intent on making others miserable and if they can't, woe be unto us all. I have learned however that God really does make all things right for those who belong to Him. I also know that every person, whether Christian or not is in our life for a purpose. He works things out for our good and I've seen the revenge He's taken before which definitely makes me not want to be on that side of things. I know that He is the God of yesterday, today, and forever and that nothing is said or done or thought that He doesn't know about and He WILL make it all right in His time. Now His time is something I struggle with as well. I want it to happen today and I want to be there when it comes down but then I remember how grateful I am in my own life for His mercy and grace and love and compassion and forgiveness. I have to admit that I still pray that they choke on their supper so maybe they'll call out to the ONE TRUE God and realize it's not them. Actually I pray a lot for their salvation as well because I can't imagine a truly saved person being so mean and hateful and self-absorbed and with so little joy in their life. God keep me from becoming that very kind of person that I can't stand the most. Use all the stuff, even the stuff Satan tries to use to get the best of us and make us bitter, to make us more like You. Help us to forgive and not to hold on to the words that some say intended to harm us or hurt us and instead give those words over to You and allow You to heal us and convict others. Help us not to get in the flesh and actually smack someone and again and again I ask that You keep a muzzle over our mouth so that we don't act like those that make us so mad. Help us to turn the other cheek knowing that it makes you even madder than it does us. Guard our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus our Lord and protect above all my children, Your children, from the evil and evil ones who try to have influence over them.