Monday, April 27, 2009

Monday Morning Perspective

Did anyone other than me know they were in huge trouble when the sermon started out with Eddie saying that "if we examine our talk, we will learn a lot about our maturity and spiritual health"? Woe, knew I was in for it. It was kinda like when as a kid you would get sent to your room to wait for your parents to cool off. You knew what was coming and it probably wasn't going to be good. That's how I felt yesterday.
I've thought a lot about that sermon today and how many times my words have probably left as much destruction as those Myrtle Beach fires. I'm sure we are all grateful for God's grace and forgiveness. I like how Eddie pointed out that our complaining is to Satan what our praise is to God. That will certainly help me the next time I start complaining. I don't want to do anything that Satan could delight in. I have some friends that I love being around because their words are refreshing and positive. I gain so much encouragement from them. That's the kind of person I want to be for others.
Have you ever said something or finished a conversation and thought, where in the world did all of that come from? I guess the message made it very clear that it comes from our heart. I want a pure heart and I know the only way to have that is to allow the Holy Spirit full control. If you're anything like me, we need His filling more than a few times every day. I don't know about you but sometimes I think I leak.

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