Thursday, October 23, 2008

God at Work

Have you ever noticed how just when you step out of your comfort zone and say yes to God about something you've been praying over, in comes the tidal wave of stuff. Unbelieveable. Then how do you know if it's Satan trying to throw you and make you doubt yourself or your God, or if it's God making you cling a little closer to Him. I guess it doesn't really matter where it comes from as long as we do cling closer to Him. I at least know that no matter where it comes from, God can use it in my life for His glory if I get out of the way. Thank you, Lord. Get me out of the way.
God really is at work not only in my life but in the life of our church. When He moves, He really moves!! Another weekend to welcome a new staff member, an associate pastor. Eddie's known him for quite some time--what a man of God he is. Cannot wait for him to get here to start. God is bringing in His people to serve Him in this place and I'm so excited as they seem to be a group so willing to lay down self and pick up the vision and all that is best for the church and run with it. And boy do they run. What energy they all have! We will just all feed off one another. So grateful that God is surrounding my husband with these godly men who get it. Yes! And they bring godly wives with them who also have that call of God on their lives. Double Yes! Awesome couples to work alongside of for Kingdom's sake. Praise You.
Busy weekend ahead, but good busy. Lots of student fun for my kids, some ministry opportunities, some family fun planned. God is good. Two things I know-You O Lord are strong, and You O Lord are loving.-Ps. 62:11-12.

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