That's one blessing I know better than to take for granted.
Having said that, yesterday was no exception as we studied from Phil 1:20-26.
Studying Paul's philosophy of life shows me just how far I have to go in being kingdom minded and less self focused. Paul's preference was to die but he was willing to live. Most of us are willing to die but we'd rather live. Paul was consumed with Christ. And he was determined that as long as he was here on earth, he was going to be about fruitful labor. I made myself a note in my notes that that's what I want to want for myself. I want to be consumed with Christ. I want to be about things that make a difference for the kingdom. I want to give it everything I've got until God calls me home and not get caught up in the petty things of life or even the ministry things that we can so easily make about ourselves.
The question we were left with was, what is your philosophy? We were given this statement to fill in the blanks...
For me to live is _________.
For me to die is _________.
If we put anything in the first blank other than Christ, then in the second blank we can go ahead and put loss. Because to live for anything else, power, career, family, etc., will lead to loss. Only Christ will give us gain.
Rise happened at 6:00 and the Spirit was powerful. I can't ever say enough about those who lead that worship. Last night Jake, Morgan, Cale and Jackson led and I was left with "how do they do that?". I know it's Spirit empowered and giftedness. I'm just always amazed at these young ones and their heart and soul. They do more than sing and lead music, they worship and the leading follows.
My man brought another killer message from John 21. He pointed out so many things in that passage I had never thought of and I saw the practicality and love of Jesus in a brand new way. Jesus always gets us on our level whatever that may be. We looked at Peter's influence, good and bad, and warned of being careful of how we lead others.
It was a great day to be in God's house with His people.