Monday, May 23, 2016

Monday Morning Persoective

We ventured back to our study in Ecclesiastes this week and looked at chapter 3. 
We are all in different seasons of life chronologically and also circumstantially. Whatever season we find ourself, it is meant to bring God glory. 
It would be nice, as Eddie pointed out, if we could choose our circumstances and seasons but we don't. Many of us live life looking back to a past season whether it's one of regret or much victory. We live life reminiscing. Others of us live life always looking ahead and that causes us to miss the present. We can only make sense out of life if we spend it looking upward to God, looking inward with a focus on eternal things where we will find true satisfaction and looking onward as we realize God has an exciting future for us in heaven, if we belong to Him, but also right here and now as individuals created with purpose and also as a church. 
Eddie shared some things that as a church we can look forward to and be a part of if we will pray and give! Like he said, we can't manufacture revival, but we can quench His Spirit by throwing cold water on it. God pours out His favor where He chooses. 
These are exciting days at Fairview and there's always room for others to join us and be a part of it. 
Thank you to Johannah Joines and the lovely ladies from her D group for serving banana splits after night church. It was a perfect evening to be outside...

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