Sunday, May 29, 2016

30 Days of Favor

I hope you'll be a part of these 30 days with us. I believe you'll be so blessed by those who share! Here's a video with some information for you.

Monday Morning Perspective

We learned from Ecclesiastes 4 that there are two points of view: destructive and constructive. As Solomon looks outward and sees oppression and evil, he warns us of four dangers:

Monday, May 23, 2016

Monday Morning Persoective

We ventured back to our study in Ecclesiastes this week and looked at chapter 3. 
We are all in different seasons of life chronologically and also circumstantially. Whatever season we find ourself, it is meant to bring God glory. 
It would be nice, as Eddie pointed out, if we could choose our circumstances and seasons but we don't. Many of us live life looking back to a past season whether it's one of regret or much victory. We live life reminiscing. Others of us live life always looking ahead and that causes us to miss the present. We can only make sense out of life if we spend it looking upward to God, looking inward with a focus on eternal things where we will find true satisfaction and looking onward as we realize God has an exciting future for us in heaven, if we belong to Him, but also right here and now as individuals created with purpose and also as a church. 
Eddie shared some things that as a church we can look forward to and be a part of if we will pray and give! Like he said, we can't manufacture revival, but we can quench His Spirit by throwing cold water on it. God pours out His favor where He chooses. 
These are exciting days at Fairview and there's always room for others to join us and be a part of it. 
Thank you to Johannah Joines and the lovely ladies from her D group for serving banana splits after night church. It was a perfect evening to be outside...

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Monday Morning Perspective

It was Graduate Sunday at Fairview which is always exciting and a tad bit bittersweet. I'm always so excited for the graduates because I know how long they have longed for this moment and how excited they are for what's to come. I'm also always a little sad for us as we see them grow up ready for their next season. 14 high school graduates and 6 college graduates all looking sharp! 
It could not have been a better service! Our Alive student band led worship. This group of high school students led with such anointing, I was one big glory bump!! I told them only their own families could've been more proud of them. They lead with energy and the joy of the Lord all over them! Their walk with Jesus shines through as they sing and lead. 
And then our student pastor/son-n-law Michael Hux preached. And did he preach!! What a challenging message that was not just for graduates but also for those of us who have journeyed with Jesus a long time and still need the reminder to not only spend time in God's Word daily but also crave it and enjoy it!!
Some of my favorite points...
...God's Word is bread for daily use not cake for special occasions. 
...the more we open His Word the more we crave His Word. 
...sin destroys our appetite for God's Word. 
...we grow up by opening up the Word. 
...if you want to know how good God is, He doesn't treat us as our sins deserve. 
...He supplied our greatest need, salvation, but also our every need. 
...when we taste it, we crave it. 
Thank you Michael Hux for not only pouring into students but all of our lives as well. It's evident how much you love Jesus and the desire you have for others to love Him as you preach with tears in your eyes and a heart full of love. The growth of our student ministry is evidence of those things being a reality in your life and your continual pouring out day after day after day! 
We enjoyed the famous Texas Roadhouse dinner rolls as part of the sermon illustration. Next time you're there be sure and thank them on behalf of Fairview!! 
If you missed night church, I'll fill you in on the "scoop". Sunday night, the 22nd, this coming Sunday, we will have FREE BANANA SPLITS at the 6:00 service!!! Come and bring a friend!! Thanks to the Joines, it's going to be the world's greatest banana split and you don't want to miss out!!! 
So here are a few pics from the service to enjoy...

Monday, May 9, 2016

Monday Morning Perspective

Mother's Day is one of those days that looks different almost every year. For someone who loves tradition when it comes to holidays, Mother's Day just doesn't usually pan out that way. I've tried to learn to take that in stride and just go with the flow. For many years we lived too far to spend it with our moms. Several more recent years I would be away with one of the boys who were playing college ball or they may be away from me if it was very far. This particular year we did more of the all fam together celebrating on Saturday and honestly that's just easier for a ministry family. Sunday brings obligations and busyness and we are tired to say the least. We got to do a Saturday celebration that consisted of a Bbq lunch at a new spot, which was fabulous, sit around and talk and relax, go downtown for pizza at Barleys which rivaled my favorite, and do some walking on a perfect night weather wise. My sweet husband did fire up the grill for Sunday lunch. And we got to meet my mom and dad and brother and sister in law along with several of our kids for dinner and topped it off with abbots custard and chilling. It turned into a full weekend of fun thanks to my family!! 
I hope yours was a celebration day no matter who God brought your way to enjoy it with. I know these holidays are hard for many people for different reasons. I've had my hard ones. I'm praying that the overwhelming goodness of the Lord will be so evident to you in those times. That His grace would shine forth and rest immeasurably upon you. 
Eddie had an inspiring and encouraging message for moms, parents, anyone with influence. It's worth going online to watch this week!!
And can I throw in one more thing. For those who have never been a mother the way we look at motherhood, there are other ways to mother. Some "mother" babies in our children's ministry! Some "mother" by adding a little extra doting on others kids and help a mom and dad out with babysitting. Some "mother" college kids who are far from home and family. Some "mother" students in their discipleship groups. I can tell you that some of the most precious texts I get on Mother's Day come from girls that I had in a bible study/discipleship group at our former church when they were in high school or college. I have my own spiritual mother that I go to at times who has mentored me in the things of faith for 25 years even though I still have my mother. That role is precious and important. So think outside the box when it comes to these roles that Satan will try to discourage us in but God will use for our good. 
I love you all! I'm praying this week is a week you feel an extra measure of God's goodness on your life.