Eddie took us on a back and forth journey between mainly three passages of scripture comparing three stories.
We looked at Phillip and the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8. We looked at Ananias as he went to Saul in Acts 9. And we looked at the story of Peter and Cornelius in Acts 10.
In these stories we see three men, a clergy, a deacon, and a lay person, all living life on mission and all coming alongside someone to share the good news and offer assistance.
We also looked at the story of Legion in Mark 5. The one who was a lost cause, whom everyone had written off. But Jesus. He was healed and then sent back home to live his life on mission and share with his city and his family. No one is beyond the reach of Jesus. And no one has an excuse not to GO and tell what Jesus has done for them.
We ended the service much like we did night church last week. Eddie had Justin Broome come and share what his life on mission looks like as he does mission in downtown Greenville with the homeless. He shared how God reached him in the pit of life and then sent him back to reach others around the world and in his own city. Three powerful things Justin said that hit me...
1) when you live for yourself you destroy your life.
2) we are to create an atmosphere where people can belong before they believe.
3) Jesus doesn't save us to just take us to heaven. He saves us to bring some heaven to earth.
We closed night church with another life on mission challenge. This time our son and student pastor Michael Hux shared. He's so right that everyone thinks it's easy for those of us in ministry but we have to be intentional too. He shared how if we pray for an opportunity God will give us one. Why wouldn't He if that's what He's wanting us to do. God opened a door wide open for him to be able to share with a lady in a local restaurant and "turns out" she has a 17 year old daughter, a student, right up Michaels alley! God is so good like that. Nothing random with Him! Being on mission with Jesus is the farthest thing from boring. It's an exciting life with purpose. We were blessed to have the North Greenville University baseball team with us for the morning worship. So thankful that there are coaches who see that as important and care about life off the field as much as on the field. They're such a fun group and super respectful. And I'd call them very sweet too but they may not like that (but they are)!
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