Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy New Year 2016 (almost)

I admit it, I LOVE NEW YEAR'S! I love New Year's Eve and New Year's Day! I think it's one of the most fun holidays at least in my opinion.  Sometimes I admit tip toeing in to the new year because the past year has been so rich and full and blessed.  Other years I can't wait to kiss the year goodbye and go charging into the new.  I love standing on the edge of a new year with all the hopes and expectations of it.
Normally our New Year's Eve will find us at a local coffee shop hanging out and then dinner has always been Japanese.  Lots of years
we've had all of our children and some years a few.  This is a year with a few.  John is flying back from New York City and Jessica and Justin are enjoying a vacation off in the mountains with Justin's family.  Good football games started at noon and Eddie worked some so the coffee shop got axed for a nice, quiet day at home (at least for me).  And there's a 4:00 game on that for some reason we want to watch =) so we are opting for my man's fabulous chili instead of the traditional Japanese eatery.  New Year's Day will find our house full of fam and food and football for the last time this football season, really unbelievable.  
I hope you are as inspired as I am at the possibilities that a new year brings.  None of us knows what we will face or how circumstances will play out but I do know that God is always good and He's always faithful and He knows every detail of 2016 before we even ring it in at midnight.
I've been thinking about this post for a few weeks.  I mentioned via social media that I would love to hear from you all in regard to your spiritual goals or resolutions.  I know many people choose a word for the year.  Some choose a verse to cling to or a passage of scripture.  Many of you may decide that this will be your year for intense bible study or some of you may begin the journaling process.  I would love to hear your plans.  
Can I encourage you to let this be the year you take your relationship with the Lord to a whole nutha level?  Whatever level we are on, we can always climb higher, dig deeper! I shared with many of my Favor girls at our recent event what my time with the Lord looked like every day and most of that will continue as is.  However, I really want to dig deeper in the Word this year.  I want it to be a year that I only rely on a devotion or study to get me started and then it pushes me to search out the truth of scripture on my own with ALL help from the Spirit.  I want my study to be a springboard for deeper truths.  I want to see in a new fresh way how the Bible intersects from Genesis to Revelation.  I have my journal, just packed up another one in a box I keep in my closet with all of my others, and look forward to getting started in a brand new one.  I have my Bible, the one my sweet husband bought me last January for my birthday and I have loved it so much.  I have my new pens, I'm such a sucker for those.  These I can write with and highlight and write in my Bible without any bleeding through.  And for Christmas, one of my gifts, was a 3 year devotional book called Search the Scriptures.  I've been wanting it for a while and I've been dying to get started but patiently waiting for the 1st.  This book I'm trusting is going to push me and propel me like I want.  Can I challenge you to do the same? One of the roles of the Holy Spirit is to lead us and guide us into all truth.  For many years I trusted more in a bible teacher or mentor to lead me and I've learned so much that way and will still use those tools, but I want more of the Spirit's teaching than ever before! Of course my prayer life always needs improvement and I need to be more specific and I need to pray for eyes to see more and discernment to perceive what God is doing around me.  I sent out on our Favor text this morning that I'm praying 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12 over us.  I want to be worthy of His calling and I want to see Him do many great works of faith through His power and get much glory from my life.  
I would love for this to be a place we can engage and encourage one another.  In these days, we all need the gift of community.  
May 2016 be the year we see depth in our relationship with Jesus and it be the year our relationships with one another are everything God wants them to be.  May we leave regrets behind and don't be a person quick to take offense.  If we could just refuse to be easily offended, we would have richer, healthier, longer lasting relationships and our witness to others will have greater effect.  
I love you all.  I'm so thankful God allows me to serve Him even though He knows me so well.  I'm so thankful for fresh starts, not just a fresh new year, but He gives us a fresh start every day with mercies awaiting.  
I'm a fan of you 2015! You've been a very good, rewarding yet challenging year with good days and bad, mountaintop times and some valley times, and through it all God has been faithful! 

Stephen Edward Leopard

So the word going around is that there will soon be another Leopard wedding only this time the Leopard child doesn't change his name, but that doesn't mean lots of other things won't change.  This time the Leopard chid is the groom and for the first time I get to be the mother of the groom so I get to write this from a new perspective. I must say that's the easier route when it comes to planning and paying (did you hear dad shout hallelujah?!) but it's no easier when it comes to letting another child go.  Everyone says it's hard to let girls go but as a mother of boys and girls, I'd say there's no difference at all in that arena.
We've called you Stephen, Skeebo, Skeebee, Bubba, but mostly we've called you sweet, kind, generous, energetic, crazy, the reason I went gray young, miracle (because you and I both are still alive) and now we call you the groom and soon we will call you husband.  My prayer was that if God ever gave me a boy, he would be all boy! And boy are you all boy!! You dug up the back yard looking for the devil (and you've made him run for his life quite a few times sadder that he messed with you), you wandered off in crowded stores more than I can count, you ate us out of a weeks worth of groceries in a few days, we won't talk about the speeding tickets or the chipped teeth or broken ankle.  We could go on and on and on.  Mostly you've made me the happiest boy mom on the planet that wouldn't change a day with you if I could and would happily walk through each day all over again.
We have prayed for your future wife from the moment you were born.  We prayed for her salvation and protection in every way until the time God would bring you two together.  Somehow we knew from the time we met her as a sweet young, very young, high school freshman that she was perfect for you.  Not perfect, as none of us are, but perfect for you.  God took you both on an amazing journey both together and apart.  He worked in you and through you and brought you back to one another when He felt the time was right.  In the meantime many of us, including your mom, scratched our  heads and wondered the what ifs, and what in the worlds, and the what are they thinking, and what are you doing God, over a few years.  But God...enough said.
Stephen we want you to be the leader God has raised you up to be.  Be strong.  Be tender.  You have been a great team player and teammate since you were 5 years old.  Now God is giving you a teammate for life and he's saved the best one for last.  You've learned many life lessons on the playing field and now this is the greatest playing field of all, marriage. You've learned how to fight through adversity.  You've learned not to quit.  You've learned how to stand up for your team and rise to the challenge on every occasion.  Kaylin has learned many of these lessons as well on the field and being a teammate. Marriage is the greatest field of all.  It's worth every tear.  It's worth the persevering.  You never quit or give up.  Fight together and for one another.  Remember you're on the same team fighting for the same thing and the only enemy is Satan who wants to destroy...each other is never the enemy.  Love her well but love God more.  Cling to Him more tightly and He will be the one to superglue the two of you to one another.  Keep the priorities straight and He will work out all of the details and take care of every need that you have. You've always done that and in marriage you will need to continue that.
We can't wait to celebrate your great wedding day! You will have your married brothers next to you who have shown you well what it means to love a wife as Christ loves the church.  They love you both and celebrate this day and the years to come with you.  You will have your little (but not so little) brother standing by you who has been part of your life since you were 19 months old.  You were a great big brother!  You both learned how to be not only brothers but teammates as well through the years. You stood shoulder to shoulder many times on the field and he will stand shoulder to shoulder with you on your wedding day as well.  You've always been there for one another and marriage won't change that.  He loves you both as well and will always be there for you.
Those protective sisters will be standing there for both of you. They've been the ones never afraid to speak up with their opinion and cast their vote of approval on many things in your life whether you asked or not.  We know that they approve heartily of your choice, thankfully.  They always wanted the best for you which speaks highly of you.  They knew what you deserved and what you didn't and they, like all of us, know Kaylin is not only a gift but she's a prize! Your Dad is the only one who actually gets to speak that day, hopefully he gets through it.  No one could be prouder than he is of you! You've made him proud in a thousand ways but next to choosing to follow Jesus, choosing your bride probably is his proudest moment.  It's something we prayed for and we've seen God answer exceedingly greater than we imagined.  We've seen you wait and be wise when it would've been easy to just jump and choose someone, anyone. All the times we felt lonely for you, you were perfectly happy in your own skin, waiting and serving in the church and enjoying good friends, and playing ball.  You were trusting God in His timing and in His choice.  Nothing could make a dad and mom prouder.
Kaylin, this whole family is nuts about you.  We are so grateful that your parents have raised you so well and set such an amazing example before you.  You have been serving God and following Him since before Stephen days and the without Stephen days which tells us it's who you are and not who you're with.  You've been around us long enough to know that family is priority and we stick together. That may cause you to want to run at times, depends on how sticky we get haha.  But know that we will fight for you like one of our very own because you will be.  No friend will ever love you more, cheer for you more, want the best for you more, pray for you more than we will.  Like I said, you are exceedingly more than what we could've asked for, you are a gift, a prize to Stephen, yes, but to all of us as well. We have no doubt but that God reached down and specifically chose you for one another. Cling to Him even tighter than you cling to Stephen and love Him even more and all will be well. 
I love you my boy child! You are a mom's dream and no one could be more proud of you. I love you MORE, but I also LIKE you, a WHOLE LOT!!!!

Monday, December 28, 2015

Monday Morning Perspective

So for the next few weeks we are back to 1 John to wrap up this book. We took a break for 40 days of prayer and fasting and then our Advent series for Christmas. We were in chapter 5 and my husband gave a great message that leads us well right into the new year. 
Just as there are characteristics of our earthly families that make us distinct there are also characteristics that should be evident if we belong to the family of God. Eddie did a great job walking us through four things: conversion, compassion, commitment and conquest. It all begins with our conversion as we believe and receive the gift of salvation. Loved the illustration as he reminded us of how blessed we are and how so many pass on the gift of salvation. Compassion and love for others should be evident in our lives as we seek to follow Jesus out of a heart of love and obey Him and not because we are in bondage to the law. Commitment is important. Believing right and behaving right. Obedience is always better than sacrifice. And of course God always wants us to live in victory. He has given us the power to win over our enemy. It's important to identify the enemy and know what we are up against and it's not other believers. Our key weapon is faith. It enables us to overcome the odds as we believe God. 
Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!! See you next Sunday as we hit the ground running this new year! 

Monday, December 21, 2015

Monday Morning Perspective

Did anyone else but me think the Advent service Sunday was extra good? I loved every minute. I sure hope you made it early and caught the video at the 5 minute preservice. I love the song A Baby Changes Everything and who can sing like Faith Hill? The music was great and Jeff and Jenny Williams did an amazing job giving us a glimpse of Joseph and Mary in a modern yet biblical way. My husband's message of an All In Joseph and an All In Mary was challenging and motivating. 
Eddie explained that All In means I'm in no matter what. So many are All In when we talk about the joy of the Lord and the blessings of God but when the talk turns to a cross and sacrifice they're out. They don't want any part of that. 
Mary and Joseph knew there would be cost involved. And Joseph, being a man of character and maturity, obeyed. We wonder why God doesn't give us opportunities, but maybe He knows we wouldn't receive them and obey. Maybe He knows, in His sovereignty, that we would blow Him off. Character and maturity isn't determined by our actions in the routine of the day, but our reactions when the bottom falls out. Joseph had great and godly influence over Jesus as he served as his earthly father. We were left with the challenging question: who are you influencing? Who are you discipling, mentoring? Are you All In?
Here's a few pics to enjoy from a beautiful service (sorry for the quality)... 
And a very Merry Christmas from us!! We love you Fairview family!!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Monday Morning Perspective

Yesterday was a day that I'd love to put on repeat! We had record numbers in the 1st service, AGAIN! We added 5 new family members in that service. We had a great crowd in the 2nd service with 2 added family members by salvation and 2 families for membership. Worship music led by Cross Talk was amazing, AGAIN!  The message my husband brought was one of my favorites in this series, AGAIN, as we were challenged to not miss opportunities that God brings our way. God knew if He sent the good news to the shepherds that they would respond. Do we recognize opportunities? Do we seize them or do we blow them off? There's no obscure place with God. He knows exactly where we are. For some of us, we are just too busy. It's not a seasonal thing, it's a life thing. We need to slow down, look around and be discerning. 
Once we meet Jesus, we'll never be the same. We should have a desire to tell others if we have truly met Him. 
What did the shepherds do after meeting Jesus? They went back to their fields. We aren't always called to change our job and address. We may be called to that. But maybe we are just supposed to go back to our same job and our same address a different person. And a person willing to be obedient to the call of sharing Jesus with others. If He's changed your life, you can't help but share it. 
The good news is broad. Luke 2:30-32 says it's for the Jews and the Gentiles, all nations. 
The good news is narrow. Luke 2:11 
says for unto you, and you, and you. 
May those of us who have heard the Christmas story hundreds of times through our lifetime HEAR it with fresh ears this Christmas. And may we TELL others the good news!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

A public shoutout

I'm a huge believer in speaking truth and love and encouragement over people. But occasionally you have to let others know what a gem someone is and how God is using them so we can give Him glory and praise at His mighty works through people. Here's my public shoutout to my son by marriage Justin Broome. 
Can I tell you, Justin, that you are the heart and face of missions to me. I know you plan AND go on mission to Romania like many others do and that's a HUGE need. But what you do EVERY week, going into the bowels in your own city is what missions looks like to me. You get $0 from it. You get very little recognition for it. You get zero tangible, physical gifts from it. You don't get sightseeing from it. It's not a vacation. What you get is the joy of serving and God's good pleasure and I know for you that's enough. And that's how He birthed Immerse, from your heart to serve people. You go weekly into the heart of our city where most of us are fearful to go and you serve those who most of us care little about and you give to their physical needs but mostly you give them Jesus. You are the face of missions to me, but you are the face of Jesus to them!!!  You have given out of your own pocket when you had nothing to give and given them a meal at the sacrifice of your own. What you do is priceless now but with great reward to come. Jesus doesn't miss one cup of water given in His name. 
I just want you to know that we also see and we also rejoice in your life. I wish I had raised you myself but God knew what He was doing because I would've totally messed you up. I'm just grateful to have you as a son now. You brought to this family what was royally missing and I'm forever grateful. Never let anyone tell you that you are anything less than a great and godly man!! I just pray that when we are in heaven that my mansion isn't too much lower than yours that I can't get to you on a daily basis. 
Thank you for what you do. And thank you for being a leader that leads others to follow in the same path. You are a hero to all of us. I crazy love you!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Monday Morning Perspective

Week 2 of Advent we looked at Herod or the original Grinch as we like to call him. We walked away with the truth that behind every Herod and grinch, there's an useen prompter, Satan. Herod, like some others, is just a puppet. Some are subtle. Others are very vocal. But the Enemy is behind them all. 
Spiritual warfare is alive and well and we can choose to not believe it, but it's very real. Satan raises up people to oppress us, cause discouragement, hurt us, offend us. He will battle us to the end. And it seems like he steps up his game during the Christmas season. 
We don't have to be enslaved to it, but we need to be on guard against it and be prepared. It will hit us when we least expect it and where we least expect it. 
Just have to say that worship was amazing yesterday. Cross Talk is bringing their A game every week and leading us in worship. I'm so thankful for them! I'm thankful for a pastor who brings God's truth each week that challenges and encourages. I'm thankful for so many leaders and members and visitors who encourage us each week before and after services and even throughout the week. Blessed to have those we can go to when we need some wisdom and prayer. We don't have to allow those who choose  to criticize, complain and discourage get to us. Steer clear of grinches and surround yourself with the those who speak life into you. That's my choice this Christmas season and throughout the year. Merry Christmas! 

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Christmas Challenge

Anyone else but me trying to remove things from your December calendar? Or maybe not removing but certainly not adding anything.   I'm making an attempt at both.  I'm always amazed at how much we (in the church) TALK a lot about the real meaning and not getting caught up in the hustle and bustle yet we are probably as guilty as anyone at loading up the calendar with this event, that party, that program.  Even if it's not Christmas I'm a huge proponent of less activity, yes even church activity,  because it frees us up from huddling together to actually being the church in our neighborhoods, etc.  I was even telling my daughter the other day that I was extremely intentional with our calendar when they were young because I didn't want them associating the Christmas season with "mom and dad are never home" season.  I intentionally didn't plan a Favor event for December because I don't want to be an enabler to the whole thing.
Having said all of that and at the risk of being hypocritical, let me throw this challenge out to you.  I challenged myself first because that's always the way to go.  Good leadership says you never ask others to do what you won't do yourself, right?! =)))  I also challenged our Favor team, since I'm not asking them to meet or plan till after the first of the year! =))) Now here's the challenge for anyone who wants to take it.
What if we cross something OFF of our list that really is a non-essential (I know that's hard cause it's all essential right?) and then add just one simple thing that really could make an impact or difference with someone? I've thought a lot lately about what a bad neighbor I can be because I'm "so busy".  I've thought about how being the church starts with family first and then moves to our neighbors and I've been terribly convicted.  I think the way we will see a difference in our churches is when we see a difference in our families and neighborhoods. I think on most days I'm extremely good at being there for my family and prioritizing around them and trying to go over and beyond what they need from me, but I'm not so good at being that good neighbor.  I'm going to try to do better at that in the coming year so I'm going to start with the Christmas season.  So, what if we just do a very simple thing to reach out to those we live around.  Maybe we can bake an extra dozen cookies and give to that neighbor that we barely even throw our hand up at.  Maybe we can hand deliver a christmas card.  What if when we buy something and it's a buy one/get one, we actually give one away without hoarding it for ourself.  Or after we've already received the fifth dessert people have delivered to us, we turn around and give one away.  You probably can think of many more ideas that I haven't but the point is that it takes very little work and cost but may take a lot of courage and a lot of intentionality.  It's a great thing to do as a family especially with small children.  If your children are older like mine, maybe you can split up and cover a little extra ground.  We have plenty of church cards and favor cards to add to it for an easy church invite, but you don't even have to do that.  Just reach out! Building relationships naturally with people is what leads to the spiritual conversations.  And those will last much longer than any gift we stress over buying and wrapping and paying for.  So just take the time that you'd normally spend on one thing and spend it on something more meaningful.
PLEASE KNOW THIS!!!! This is not meant to guilt anyone or add to an already busy time so please don't receive it that way.  If Satan begins to dump guilt over your head or at your feet, tell him to get behind you and keep moving.  However if the Spirit is nudging you to reach out even if it goes against your personality type, go ahead and do it.  We may be the ones to receive the bigger blessing!! Merry Christmas!!!