Sunday, January 25, 2015

Monday Morning Perspective

We wrapped our Live It series with a challenging message on prayer and were reminded not to leave it (all that we learned in James) but live it!! It was a high energy, packed house Sunday! We witnessed the baptism of 4 and one coming professing Christ. The energy was amazing and message powerful and convicting! 
In a nutshell, we basicly saw that there's never a situation or a circumstance, good or bad, that doesn't call for us to pray. This has been one of my favorite series because it's so practical and James challenges us on the everyday, ordinary things of life. 
Next week we start a 4 week series from Jonah and don't think Jonah won't be practical. It's an amazing book that will call for us to up our daily walk with God and live in obedience. 

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