Monday, December 29, 2014

Monday Morning Perspective

We wrapped up James chapter 4 yesterday with a powerful and challenging message going into this new year. We saw how dangerous it can be to go about making our own plans and leaving God out. Too many of us practice practical atheism which means we may be believers in Christ but we live our lives as if He doesn't exist. 
We were challenged to realize how short life is no matter how many years we may live. It's like a mist. We are all terminal and no one can guarantee what this next year, even the next moment, may bring. Therefore, whatever God has placed on our hearts to do and calling us to do, do it now, pull the trigger!!
I loved the way Eddie closed this message by reminding us that there is a sin of omission that is worse than any sin of commission and that's not receiving the gift of salvation that Jesus offers. He's forgiven and will forgive all sins that  we commit if we confess, but the sin to not receive Christ will keep us separated from Him for all of eternity. 
In this new year, if He already resides in our life but doesn't preside, I'm praying we will offer every area of our life to Him and let Him have complete control. I'm also thankful for the one in the service yesterday who gave her heart to Jesus and started that journey with Him. What a great way to begin a new year! Happy New Year to you and yours. I pray that 2015 will be filled with ways you see Him at work and experience His presence.  

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