Sunday, December 7, 2014

Monday Morning Perspective

Trash talk is a part of sports on the field between players of opposing teams and has become a bigger than should be part of conversations between fans that pours over into social media which takes it to an entirely new level. However, James tells us in chapter 4 verses 11 and 12 that there's no place for it in the church even though from  time to time it finds its way there.
Too often gossip and slander, judging others and being unmerciful, find their way into churches among church family members. In this message in our Live It series, James addresses these problems. We looked at reasons not to judge and how we are to go directly to someone when we have an issue with them. We saw that when we judge others we basically set ourselves up on God's throne and render a verdict. 
We were challenged to look at ourselves because so often we get caught up in the  same sin we judge others over. We also can never know someone else's heart, even our own for that matter, so we don't know motives and we never have all the facts. Only God can read the heart and He has all the facts to render a sound judgment. 
I love how my husband closed challenging us to never lose the wonder and awe of our salvation. Those who remember, are the ones who are most merciful. It helps us remember where we were and how merciful God has been to us. 
The illustration at the end was on point. We can either accept Him now as our Savior or stand before Him later as our Judge. 

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