If we are not careful, December will be gone almost as quickly as it arrived and it will be one big, busy blur! It's December 3rd and we have already had 2 Christmas events. Yes, 2 in 3 days and more to come! Thankfully those two have been fun and stress free but I know if I'm not careful, even those can take their toll by month end. Based on my fall, I remember the toll that busy and stress can take and I'm determined not to go into January the way I went into October. This time of year is glorious to me! I love everything about it. How can you beat being out at night and seeing all the lights. It's magical!
I find myself asking God to multiply my time, but it's usually to get more done or squeeze more things into an already jammed schedule. I know the importance of pacing myself, I just don't always do it.
There's many stress causers all year, but they seem especially present during the holiday season. Things such as overspending, not enough sleep, bad eating habits, cramming the calendar. Add to that missing loved ones, family issues, job stress, and on and on I could go. I'm amazed the times I ask God for rest, but I go to bed late and get up early. I ask God for discipline in my life as I eat more and more junk and skip my gym time. I ask Him to multiply my time but I don't spend it with Him. Actually I've found the only time He multiplies my time is when He is priority in my use of time. The only way I've found to combat these things is being intentional daily, almost moment to moment, in prioritizing my time with Jesus and focusing on the most important and yes sometimes that means saying no to other things or to people as much as I hate doing that. I have to be ok with not buying and giving as much as I'd like. I refuse to compete with gift giving and gift receiving. I have to be ok when things don't seem to be as perfect as I would like when it comes to gifts, decorations or parties. I have to tell my type A, everything is supposed to be a certain way and look a certain way and planned out with every detail cared for self, that it's really not about all that!! What it is about is resting in the fact that Jesus took on flesh and dwelt among us. It's about the fact that He came to redeem and remove chains that from time to time we keep putting back on ourselves especially at Christmas time. It's the fact that it's not only about the stable but it's also about the cross. And it's about the fact that He will come back! And if He comes back at Christmas, which I think would be really cool, I don't want to be frazzled and weary from doing everything but celebrating His birth!
So if I seem frazzled when you see me, call me on it. I need the accountability. If I say no to a request, please understand and grace me. If I fail to give the perfect gift or not enough gifts, forgive me. God gave one gift, His Son, perfect in every way and more than enough!!
For into us is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11 and He will save His people from their sins. Matt 1:21