Tuesday, September 2, 2014

30 years

September 1st 2014! My man and I have been married 30 years. What a bunch we are 30 years later.  As my sweet daughter Chrissie said, "that's a long time!"  She is right!! It's a very long time. At times it seems like we just got married. Then I look at my kids and a granddaughter and reality hits that we've done a lot of life! We've been at this a long time!  It's somewhat overwhelming. I wonder how it happened so fast! I wonder why God has blessed so much! 
Marriage isn't easy, but it's more than worth the effort. It's been the greatest, most rewarding, thrilling, joy-giving, heart wrenching, worth every tear, worth every laugh kind of adventure I ever hoped it would be. We are so different now than we were at 19 and 25 when we made all those promises that I'm sure we thought we understood but really probably didn't have a clue. We've grown. We've changed. But no matter what, we kept loving. We kept believing. We kept trusting. Mostly in God, but also in each other. I tell young ones all the time who are dating, you need to date at least 2 years. Why? Because the 1st year is about concealing. We put our best out there. We are always on guard trying to impress and sometimes not really being honest about who we are and what we want. The 2nd year is about revealing. We let our guard down. We are more ourselves. We relax. That's the one you're going to marry. Be sure. He's not always kind and she's not always sweet. He has bad days and she can be moody. He gets stressed and it comes out in all sorts of ways. She gets aggravated and jealous and maybe even nags. Just be sure. There are worse things than waiting or being alone and that's being with the wrong one. Be very sure. 

I love my husband. Probably more importantly at times, I like him. We are different in some of our likes and we don't always agree. We react differently to things and our personalities differ in ways. But we have lots of things in common and we love hanging together. I love talking to him and I love being quiet with him. Mostly I love that he's led our kids to love Jesus and he's shown them what serving Jesus through serving His church looks like. And they all desire to do that. It's been said that if you raise your kids to just love the church then one day they'll want to run it and control it. If you raise them to love Jesus they'll love His church and want to serve it. 
30 years! Sounds like a long time! It is! And it's been good! Not perfect. But good!

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