Monday, August 18, 2014

Monday Morning Perspective

Yesterday at Fairview was one of those days where everything was on a whole new level. Cross Talk, our worship band was on point! Loved seeing Ashley Blevins on the piano on stage! I've convinced myself I'm going sing like her when I get to heaven ☺️. Thanks to Ryan Burns for reminding us and challenging us that God is so worthy of our worship. In case you can't tell, I totally refuse to let any rock cry out on my behalf. When I leave church I want to be energized and exhausted at the same time. 
We continued The End with Tribulation Trouble. My husband's message was exciting and encouraging as a believer! I love how he went through his beliefs on the end times in relation to tribulation and the rapture and backed it up with scripture from the Old Testament to the New! We all should be able to do that. It's no longer enough to know what we believe but why we believe it. 
I love that Eddie felt the need to speak to those who may be left and tell them what they need to remember. That just shows me his love and concern for the lost. First, do not believe the lie promoted regarding the rapture and what happened to all the ones gone. Second, do not follow the anti-Christ. Third, do not take the mark. Friends, this is an event on the kingdom calendar that could happen at any moment. It should encourage us as believers but scare us for those we know that don't know Christ. We work with them. We live next to them.  They sit next to us in class. We eat lunch with them. They're family members. They're friends. We sit in the stands next to them. They're on our teams and in our clubs. We carpool with them. Whatever reason we have for not sharing the good news, it's malarchy! When we know what they will go through if they die without Jesus or the rapture occurs and they're left, no reason is good enough. Let's get intentional! Let's live life on purpose, unashamed of the good news of the gospel. Share Christ while we can because one day will be too late. We are without excuse. I'm praying this week that God brings people across our path to share with and that we will have the boldness to share. Invite someone over the next few weeks. Inviting them to church is the easy thing. If they come, they'll hear the gospel and you won't have to speak it. I promise my man will do that for you. Just get them to church!!

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