Sunday, August 24, 2014

Monday Morning Perspective

Sunday was super at Fairview! Worship was powerful and the message was rich in passion and content. 
We looked at Satan's Superman, the anti-Christ. We looked at passages in Mark, Daniel and 2 Thessalonians and Revelation. A few highlights...
1. So many passages point to Jesus' return and people still won't believe it's accurate. 
2. The unholy trinity takes over during the tribulation...devil, anti-Christ, false prophets. 
3. We saw what and who is holding him back. 
4. Satan has had his man throughout history just to be ready since he doesn't know the time. 
5. Where will the anti-Christ come from?
6. We will have a front row seat as the same voice that created the world will speak again and destroy satan. 
7. Where will America be in all of this? Scripture says all nations will be against Israel. Are our leaders already tiring of supporting them?
This could all happen at any time. Are we ready? Are our family and friends ready? Will we step up and tell them how they can be on the winning side?
I'm posting this early because tomorrow's post will be about our new women's ministry, FAVOR!! I can't wait to share all of that with you! It's in video and written form so check it out either way you prefer but be sure and CHECK IT OUT!! 

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