I was going to spend the afternoon writing and this particular writing was going to be for something else at a later time but God keeps pressing on my heart to do it here and I sure hope it helps someone.
God has been so good to us. It doesn't mean we haven't experienced hurt or pain or betrayal or fear or uncertainty. We have. As a matter of fact, in some way, we have experienced all of those and some more in recent days. Life is hard and is rarely fair. But God is so good. And He is so faithful. And He loves us so much.
One of the things God does that even makes the suffering bearable is that He shows us Himself in a new way. He allows us to experience Him in a fresh light. He shows us things that may even hurt and perhaps we had rather not know but it only hurts for a moment and then He turns it around and shows us why we needed it. He shows us many times to grow us. If we allow Him to, He takes the hurt and before you know it, we are thanking Him for it because of so much we have learned through it. It's about our good and His glory.
Another thing He does is He allows us to minister to others through our experiences. There's nothing better for us when we are hurting than to reach out to others and help them. If we keep our eyes open and our ears tuned to Him, He will bring opportunities our way. It will take our eyes off of ourselves and put them back on a world that is hurting and people who are suffering.
There are so many hurts. People dealing with family issues, financial hardship, fears concerning jobs and the future, worries over aging parents, illnesses, are only a few of the conversations I've had with some recently. Some have said that if feels like Satan just won't back off. These problems aren't respecter of ages either. Young people are struggling with these concerns. It's as if Satan has upped the ante. I believe with all my heart he knows his time is short. We all know he's out to destroy but we also know that with our God there is victory.
What helps me through these times...LOTS of time in His Word!!! LOTS of prayer time!!! Reading over and over encouraging notes and texts and cards from others who are praying for me and care about me. Reaching out realizing others have been there and they want to help. Remembering!!!! Remembering other times God has been faithful. Remembering who and what I was and how He has changed me and changed my heart through His Spirit. Remembering His promises and who He says He is and who I am in Christ.
My prayer list grows longer every day for myself and others. I'm sure yours does too. If you spend any time at all with people having conversations of any substance, you know exactly the many needs of those around us. Keep praying. Keep loving. Stay in the Word and point others to the Word. He is a God who cares. He is compassionate and merciful beyond all measure!! His mercies are new every morning and He never tires of us!!
Eddie said so many things in his message yesterday about compassion and how Jesus always acted on it. He mentioned humility and how it's about thinking of others more. He spoke of patience and how we are to yield to others and be longsuffering. We need to do these things for one another bearing with one another.
The one piece of practical advice I always give when asked what will help, is to get some scriptures that go along with whatever you're going through. Write them down. Take them with you wherever you go. Put them on sticky notes and put them on your bathroom mirror or on your car dash. I'm a slow learner and the older I get the more forgetful I get so I have to keep them in front of me all the time to remind myself of them and draw upon them.
What a joy it is to pray for one another and talk it out with one another. Sometimes it's just letting someone talk even when we don't have an answer for them. And never forget, even when times are tough, the joy of the Lord really is strength. He is more than enough even if noone around you "gets it". He really is the only friend we can't live without.
Psalm 86 is one of my favorite passages and I go back to it time and time again. Psalm 145 is another good one, actually they're all so good!! As I stop and read them again the tears are flowing. But they're tears of joy and comfort. I hope they will be that for you as well.
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