Yesterday Eddie preached on a Know-so Salvation and he was so right when he said that every Christian needed to hear this message. What a miserable way to live wondering if you're saved or hoping that you're saved when God's Word says we can know that we are saved.
He gave us 3 ways we can know...
1. The work of the Savior. It's all about what Jesus has done for us and not what we do. His work on the cross was all sufficient and we cannot add to it or take away.
2. The witness of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit confirms and bears witness to what Christ did. I love how he pointed out that we are so quick to believe stuff we read or hear that may have no truth to it at all but we fail to believe the real Truth!! How sweet to also hear that it's so much deeper than feelings. Our emotions are the shallowest part and God goes down to the depths of our heart and confirms we are His.
3. The Word of the Scripture. It has stood the test of time and the attacks of critics. Rom. 10:9-10, if you've done it, then stand on it. We should be exclamation marks of our salvation not question marks!!!
Big question...Are you trusting in the Jesus way?
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