Monday, November 17, 2008


I don't have very long and I know that's bad because I haven't written in a while, but just wanted to say that we (my husband actually) survived the SBC last week and now it is over. A new president has begun his term and we just want to pray for him, Rudy Gray. The convention went very well. I sat through more of the business than I ever have since Eddie was moderating all of it and I have to say that I actually enjoyed it. However, my very favorite part was the worship service on Tuesday evening. The entire stage was decorated like a carousel, there was drama, our church choir led in music, but the best was the message that Eddie gave on how life can be like a carousel. We can go 'round and 'round with no meaning at all and get off where we got on unless Christ is the foundation and the meaning and the purpose in our life. Awesome message, honey. At Millbrook we are definitely a blessed people to be able to hear him deliver God's Word every week. Let's not, myself included, ever take that for granted. A pastor who delivers God's Word unashamed and quite boldly, is a man to be honored. We got it again at church yesterday as he preached on the signs of the end times. Wow! If you left that service untouched, well, I don't really know what to say. God was there in a very big real way. Have a blessed day.

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